
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 07:58:17
怎样画漫画人物的手部 手臂 衣服皱纹妈的.真是太烦我了 手部超难画. 还有衣服的那些皱纹.究竟怎样素描才好看 .手指画的不成比例.衣服皱纹画的不好看.手指比脸部还难画,还有衣服的那 Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky.The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sun; Their reflections on the 徐志摩《Saying good-bye to Cambridge again (再别康桥)》中“Silent is Cambridge tonight!” Silent是形容词,为什么放在主语的位置?还有“holds not water”中的“holds not"该如何理解?请把用法附上,不要单纯 what's gour age (的同义句) this is no longer the case 后面可跟that吗 用法举一下例句 her dog is 2 years and 5 moths old变为否定句 这儿no longer the case是什么意思还有这儿怎么分成份啊It's no longer the case that the common man in England is embarrassed to show he knows about food Sandy has not a new tom piane改肯定句 请帮我看看这道题 the war and the suffering that it caused______him very muchA.affected B.to affect C.effect D.affecting能给我好好讲讲吗?其他选项为什么不行 她是一个很棒的家庭主妇. 用英语翻译. 你在澳大利亚友好学校学习了两周,住在Smith家.他们一家对你照顾很好,不仅在语言方面给你许多帮助,还组织很多活动让你感受和体验当地文化.在临别前请你给他们写一封信,表示对他们的感 MR SMITH明天就要回纽约了,他写信感谢王先生对他在北京旅游期间的招待和帮助北京近几年发展迅速变化巨大 给MR留下深刻印象,希望可以在来重庆,欢迎王先生去纽约并在次表示感谢.那是感谢 Tom\'s dad have got a new job这句话哪里错了 英语翻译整句希望详细点 I felt tired and got ready to do to bed when someone knocked at the door heavily 的翻译 What time I can be a very rich man and get marry with my girl who in my broke heart? "别让别人发现我们的秘密"的英语是什么,Don't let others______ ______our secret. You arm is bleeding .--Yes ,I __it with a knife.A hurt B have just hurt The story he wrote last year ________ his journey to Tibei.A.bases on B.is based on C.based on 请问应该选择哪个?base on 和be based on的区别是什么?应该怎么用? the greater part of the journey is spent on roads旅行的大部分时间都花在路上,不明白greater在这里的用法, 求英语达人they would tend to leverage more than nonbanks. Others tend to challenge themselves to learn more than a diploma requires 帮忙找一篇以“摩擦”为话题的作文 文体不限 600字左右的 和同学产生纠纷因为一件小事(很小的事啦,就是去原来同学的好友的空间上留言,那个同学看不惯,把气撒在那个好友上),觉得很内疚,现在郁闷无比,不知道该怎么办.我不想伤害任何一个人. 写作要求:和同学发生摩擦!(矛盾、吵架) He admitted _in the examination.这个空填cheating,为什么不填to cheat呢? dont you think it wrong ( ) in examination?填cheating 还是 to cheat 为什么? 如何与同学友好相处400字作文 I could imagine whatever i like such as a weii considering,considered,considerable和considerateIt was very___ of you to let us know you were going to be late.A.consideringB.consideredC.considerableD.considerate选D,那三个为什么不行, Halleck is a well-known scientist we can learn__from himA.a great of B.a lot of C.a littleD.little打错字了。A.a great deal They ofen works until late at night.until 后面是 形容词 + 时间状语 until 后面不是接句子的么