
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 04:35:09
已知实数xy满足x2-x+y=3则x+y的最大值是 you love something, set it free.If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was.什么意思you love something, set it free.If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was.什么意思 读完购买上帝的男孩,你有什么话要对邦迪说? 购买上帝的男孩.小男孩邦迪心中的“上帝”指的是什么?你认为“真正的上帝”指的是 在《购买上帝的男孩》这篇文章中邦迪是一个什么样的人,老头是一个什么样的人 从逻辑角度判断以下题目中X代表哪个数字``急!877654X` he is the man whom we have heard so much about中的about可以放在so much 之前 英语翻译.1 He is the man about whom we have heard so much.2 The shelf on which you put those books has collapsed.3 From whom did you receive a letter?4 This is the road by which we came. 非负偶数包括0么? 0是不是偶数啊,非负偶数为什么包含0啊 偶函数f(x)在区间[3,7]上是增函数,且最小值为5,那么f(x)在区间[-7,-3]上是A.增函数且最小值为5B.增函数且最大值为5C.减函数且最小值为5D.减函数且最大值为5 如果偶函数f(x)在区间【3,7】上是增函数,且最小值为5,判断f(x)在区间【-7,-3】上 若偶函数f(x)在[1,2]区间上为增函数且有最大值为3,那么f(x)在区间[-2,-1]上是A、增函数有最大值3 b、减函数有最大值-3c减函数有最大值3 d、增函数有最小值-3 已知偶函数f(x)在区间[3,7]上是增函数,且f(3)=5,则f(x)在区间[-7-3]上是?函数,且最小值为? 有一张12厘米宽6厘米的长方形铁皮用它做成一个长方形无盖的盒子盒子的容积可能是多少长宽高均为整数 Dear darling Have you ever heard about the secret can not be said out The all lifetime just love yo什么意识? Have you ever heard ____ the Disneyland ”零”是偶数吗?零是偶数吗? 有含然和立的四字词语吗? (什么)立(什么)群四字词语 I have 6 sons.Each one has a sister.How many children have 为什么是8个,不是7个? 一共有25块巧克力,用6个小盒子够装吗? 求y=x*sin(1/x)的水平渐近线与铅直渐近线 y=[(e^x)/(x^2)]+1的水平渐近线y=1怎么求?lim e^x/x^2+1 为什么等于1 y=e^x/(1+x)的水平渐近线怎么求? 一道数学题.请会这道题的马上告诉我好吗?着急一道数学题:客、货辆车分别从甲乙两地同时相向而行,货车每小时行48千米,客车每小数比货车快4分之1.2又4分之1小时候两车相遇.甲、乙地相距 have you ever( )anything about the great scientist before A.taken place B.heard about C.heard aboutD.passes on ( )Have you ever _____ the charity walk?Not yet.A heard from B heard about C listen toD listen from [英语问题]have you ever heard him____about his trip to that small village?Aof talking Btalk C to talk D to say 0是正偶数吗 求函数的周期:f(x)=sin²x CAD制图里的长度小于角度是什么意思