
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:46:52
get the fucking out In my opinion,Chinese food is_____than western food.A)much delicious B)much more delicious C)little more delicious D)even delicious what food do you like most?Chinese food is my ____.A favoriteB likesC dislikesD most 形容极度恐慌,行动失常的样子.是什么成语? My grandma can c____ delicious food. Pour Your Heart into It.Follow your heart,and Try your best 世界四大重要山脉地带分布于洲 在sun上面启动之后 进入root用户 用fsck /dev/rdsk/c2t2d1s2 fix之后 出现这个提示fsck:operation not applicable to FSType nfs 就不能进入系统 Not applicable什么意思2.meet this criterion什么意思?\完毕是在你立遗嘱,买意外保险等要填的表中遇到吗? Operation is not supported. 是not applicable,还是Not Available?我在微型计算机上看的介绍主板(好象是主板)的一些功能是N/A. The building over there is a library,west of which is a department store.west前为什么不加the 世界上最高的山脉是哪里? with clothes,the new are best ;with friends .the old are best 的深层 意思 with clothes,the new are best;with friend,the old are best. keep如何+close/closed The apples are sweet.改为一般疑问句 he closed the window just now.and now the window is( )为什么用close they taste the apples[the apples]一般疑问句,否定句,划线提问,否回 I'm sure his favorite furit is apples 改为一般疑问句 1.is there a cinema near here?作否定回答 2.the cinema is west of the school.west of the school提问3.how can l get tothe museum?根据提示做回答.直走5分钟,然后右拐..三个空 five minutes.then两个空 .4.are you going to the books it is west为什么west在of the cinema前面it is west of the cinema为什么west在 of the cinema的前面,而不是在后面 世界的山脉主要分布在两大地带,在欧洲的-----------------------山脉带 主要由---山脉,----------山脉在欧洲的-----------------------山脉带 主要由--- 山脉,----------山脉,---------山脉组成 The park is east of the cinema.就划线提问划到east of the cinema.怎样问?用which还是用where 世界上两大山脉地带是什么? 是The zoo is on the west of the park还是The zoo is to the west of the park 两大地带与世界两大山系在分布上是否一致 连词成句 Park east the cinema the of is. 英语翻译We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors 句子中 endeavors 的意思 You should keep the window ____.A.opend B.openopen本身也可做形容词啊 The busy nurse is laz改为否定句 linda is a nurse.变为一般疑问句,肯定回答,否定回答,变为特殊疑问句,变为否定句.