
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 21:55:37
问路 这个词的英语怎么说 如果区别空的三个读音? 校运会500字作文.具体点. 写一篇350字英语对话(2)Discuss with your partner the role of libraries in modern time and how books affect people's life.因为要做口语练习,写一篇350左右的三人对话,注意一定是要三个人的,大概就高三英语的难 编对话(150字)(英语)主要是美发师告诉顾客头发问题是由饮食不良和生活习惯不好带来的后果.告诉他应该怎么做(不是推销产品,其实美发师也可以当作医生) 怎样去你家对话英文60字 求对不同工作看法的英语对话Topic: Job HuntingSituation: Two students are asked to choose between a job that offers high pay and flexible schedule with high pressure and little opportunity for promotion in the near future, and a job that p 关于找工作的英语对话话题为“找工作”,最好简短一点,本人英语水平实在不咋地..非常感谢拉.我想提问的应该是关于面试对话!2楼那位朋友。我现在是在上学写作文。不是在真正的找工作~ 小学英语 in one's opinion造句 in one's opinion中的opinion加不加s Games you win ,Laugh yourself silly very silly 怎么读 I am being very silly怎么翻译?那跟i am very silly 有什么区别么? in one's opinion的同义词 in their opinion 中的 opinion有复数么? he is kind of silly but he is very cute翻译 Yes,you are very silly .you is silly pig .the silly pig is Don't you dare!How dare you The girl is very naive which in my dream 有语法错误吗? 说话大舌头发音不准确怎么办? 我说话有点大舌头,别的字都能正确的发音,只有"L''字母开头的字发不清楚要是一个一个字慢点说还是能说清楚的,说话快说,就感觉舌头有点跟不上,我想问一下,这样的情况自己在家治疗能治疗 我说话有点不清楚似乎有轻微的大舌头该怎么办我从小就有点大舌头,但是我现在18岁了,慢慢的好了不少,到现在我自己已经觉不出自己说话模糊不清了,但是听自己的录音确实不好听!和我平常 从小就大舌头的发音,但是事实上我的舌头并没有很大,求解决方法. 您好 我是大舌头,说话说不清楚.请问应该怎么做呢,怎么练习发音呢 英语翻译Liberia,the oldest independent Negro state in West A frica,has been struggli ng for survial ever since its foundat ion in 1822.Progress has been hampered by constant hostilit y between the American Negroes whose families returned there 英语翻译 英语翻译As she walked round the huge department store,Edith reflected how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.She wish that he was as easy to please as her mother,who was always delighted with perfume  Besid 12乘以一个假分数的积一定大于12对吗? 腔字广东话的发音和哪个字相同 累字的粤语怎样打,读音大概是GUI如题我听说那个字的构造是左边一个 支 ,右边一个 力 ,支字的捺去到力的下面 换字 广东话发音