
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 20:22:32
|4a-5b|+(c-3b)2=0 求a:b:c=什么上面的是第一题,这里还有一题答对了我给你加分:点P1分线段AB为5:7两部分,点P2分线段AB为5:11两部分,已知P1到P2的距离为10cm,则AB的长是多少CM 如果|4a-5b|+(3b-c)^2=0,求a:b:c courtesy of 是啥意思?See p000 for details of a novel way of travelling between Wellington and Picton,courtesy of a tandem skydive 椭圆M离心率为√3/2,直线X=±a和y=±b所围成的矩形ABCD面积为8 矩形ABCD内接于椭圆x^2/9+y^2/4=1,则A,B,C,D,到右焦点的距离之和 educational exchanges go both ways翻译这句话 educational exchanges go both ways翻译 chair用中文怎么说? 为什么choir和chair读起来差别那么大?chair开始:“吃”,而choir则是“可”? 设不等试f(x)≥0的解集是【1,2】,g(x)≥0的解集是空集,则不等式f(x)/g(x设不等试f(x)≥0的解集是【1,2】,g(x)≥0的解集是空集,则不等式f(x)/g(x)>0的解集 如果解答完整另有答谢 The student is sitting at his desk.这些学生是坐在他的办公旧.麻烦问下我翻译的对不. He was drawing something on the desk ___I was reading a story at ten yesterday.A:after B:while C:before D:when选哪个呢?为什么? My father is reading a_____at 7:00 in his_____._____!Some boys are playing _____ on the playground.It's 6:30 p.m.My mother is _____ dinner.Sometimes l go to the _____ to see the animals on the weekend.It's sunny and _____ in fall in Lanzhou.The baby 如图,求椭圆x2/a2+y2/b2=1(a>b>0)内接正方形ABCD的面积 He has _____ideas_____me. A.same,like B.different,with C.the same D.the same,as 设y=ln(ln的平方乘以x)求dy. y=ln(X的平方+1)求 dy 设y=ln x/x的平方,求dy 若不等式f(x)≥0的解集[2,4],不等式g(x)≥0的解集为空集;,则不等式f(x)/g(x)>0若不等式f(x)≥0的解集[2,4],不等式g(x)≥0的解集为∅,则不等式f(x)/g(x)>0的解集为 track 2 rtr 2 reachability什么意思 OTC,PTP,RTR, 英语按照要求完成下列各题I walk to work every day.(改为同义句)I go to work( )( ) every day. 一只羊的羊下水有多重心肝肺肠以及羊头和四个羊蹄,不包括羊骨头.比如说一只羊40公斤,羊下水多少公斤. 函数y=sinxcosx的最大值是什么? 函数y=sinxcosx的最大值是? 一个圆柱体谷屯,2米,占地面积15平方米,把把这些谷子倒入一个长方体粮仓内正好是这个粮仓的2/5,这个粮仓的容积是多少? 文言文中的被动句有哪些?最好有例子说明! 这些是文言文被动句?如:1.臣知欺大王当诛 2.饥死道路为群兽所食 这可以不按被动句形式翻译,为啥又叫被动句呢? 努比亚黑山羊成年羊有多重 文言文被动句判断 wind up 和end up有区别吗? (4/4)9 32 897 单词文件new 2.dat 包括:asjjk rtr dasdd k dfasfkjk dasfdf