韬光养晦 厚积薄发

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 18:06:21
Have you any_____(prove)that you are the owner of the car you,as the owner,have to pay for any damage done to the car,translationif your dog runs out on the road and gets hit by a passing car,you,as the owner,have to pay for any damage done to the car,even if your dog has been killed in the accident. Have you any proof that you are the owner of the car?为啥不是Do you have 而是have you,that的成分是 when与while的同义句转换,急 句中的as,可以换做when或while吗?原句:The school board listened quietly (as) John read the demands that his followers had been demonstrating for. 红颜祸水命是什么意思? 谈谈孔子是如何论述为师道和从师之道的?写的少一点啊,我看了其他人的答案..都太多了, never before has china developed rapidly这句话的陈述句是?还有Never before has the city been in greater need of modern public transport than it is today有3句Never before has the city been in greater need of modern public transport than it 根据上述选文内容 ,谈谈孔子 是如何论述为师 之道和从师之道的 china has begun the one child policy so zhat it could solve this problem.为何从句中用could?这是过去式吗?如果是的话为什么要用过去式? 从文中可见孔子怎样的为师之道和从师之道急啊-------------帮帮我吧----------------------论语十则中 china has begun the one child policy so zhat it could solve this problem.是因为主现从任吗? 根据上述选文内容,谈谈孔子是如何论述为师之道和从师之道的,结合具体语句进行分析 从《论语十则》中可见孔子怎样的为师之道和从师之道 while和when什么情况下可以互换 when while as造一句!是不是while在不表对比时!就可以与when互换!如:The telephone rang while I was doing my homework.We must strike while the iron is hot.(这句可以换when吗?)还有用as表一边……一边……时造个句! 求证函数f(x)=(1/x)cos(1/x)在任何形如(0,a)的开区间中都无界,其中a>0. 三角形三个内角的度数成等差数列是它的一个内角为60度的什么条件,为什么必要性我不太理解,有可能三个叫都是60度,为什么一定是30,60和90呢 邓稼先是哪人? 求下列函数的值域(1)y=(x-1分之2)+1 (2)y=2x^2-4x+1,x∈[0, 已知|a|=5,|b|=3,且ab 已知x²-x-=0,求代数式-x³+2x²=2008的值 已知x²-x-1=0,求-x³+2x²+2008的值 已知x²-x-1=0,试求代数式-x³+2x+2008的值 关于自然景象与天气的谚语,有关生物反应与天气的谚语.急 宫女如花春满殿,只今惟有鹧鸪飞运用了什么写法,有什么作用 宫女如花春满殿 还是 宫女如花满春殿?做到这里,不解.想知道课本上是怎么写的~ 宫女如花满春殿比喻什么?如果有人对你说这句话是什么意思? “宫女如花满春殿”出自哪首诗? 已知a≥1,函数f(x)=4x+9/x+1+4(x属于[0,1]),g(x)=x^3-3a^2x-2a+16(x属于[0,1]),求f(x),g(x)的值域 等腰三角形的两条边分别为4和6,则其周长为? -x^2+2x+1=0求x?