
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 05:33:43
everybody看看这是什么电影,thanks! 有关大海的诗句 小学英语课堂教学工具,大家都用什么 When the article arrived ,the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it.稿子寄来后,编辑看了第一句话就拒绝予以发表.这是那句话的翻译.我看到汉语翻译后想到的是After .,after对吧?对的话有什 no sooner had the editor read the the first sentence than he refused to publish it有语法错误吗?有没有错,怎么改合适呢? david was in the barber`s when the ufo arrived 对划线部分提问 ___ ___david when the ufo arrived? 英语翻译135.____ the mental exercises to come up with a tentative definition should you open the dictionary to see if you’re right.A.If you go through B.Only you go through C.Only when you go through D.When you only go through 英语翻译197.The fact __ some exceptional people do well under adverse conditions scarcely justifies your assuming that you are exceptional in the same manner.A.which B.as C.that D.what 八国联军是哪一年毁灭圆明园的? 请问这怎么翻译的,是如何划分句子成分的,thanks184. Our friendly, aggressive, and sleepy feelings all relate to stage 2 sleep, which accounts _____ most of our total sleep hours. A. down B. to C. from D. for 英语翻译131.__ the observations or predictions ___ to be as expected,the scientist has added confidence in the probable truth of his hypothesis.A.Should … turn out B.Would … turn out C.If … would turn out D./ … turn out thanks怎么选择?此处作句子的什么 成分Such __ the case,there were no grounds to justify complaints.A.was B.being C.would be D.had been How much is your bike?How much _______________your bike________________? How much is your bike ___(值) 求写给boss的感谢信,文言文和白话文都用点,大体意思是:来公司一个月了,深受各位领导同事的关怀,自己也很努力,也有很大进步,完成了上级布置的任务,前两天也搬到公司附近住了,自己也愿 — How much is your new bike?—How much is your new bike?— ________ A.It costs me $ 200 B.I cost $ 200 to buy it C.It spends me $ 200 D.It takes me $ 2 二百字 怎么写感谢信?最新的感谢信范文 i don't know what i should do with it.with是什么? what should I ( )the article?A.do onB.do about 帮忙检查一下我这篇短文是否有错误 ThanksA little thoughtsAs we all know,English is very important for our development of future.I'm keeping on studying English every day and dreaming to be a great speaker.To today,I have found that voc 第六题做不来,并且帮我检查前两题.Thanks. ,有吗,thanks 什么样的基因型被称为能稳定遗传?什么样的基因型被称为能稳定遗传? 长江水流入什么海 小溪流向大海扩句,至少三处. when did you first read an english book 怎么回答 did,an English book,when ,first,you,read What will you do first when you( ) in Beijing?选什么,理由的?A.will arriveB.arriveC.arrived 虎字旁加个甘字念什么 查什么部首在字典的哪一页 台的部首是什么?应该是口部,可是口查不到,字典里写口上面那个部, 党字头在字典里查不到,那他是不是部首啊?怎么给孩子们讲