
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 22:14:53
一见钟情的英文怎么写?5555555 前馈反馈的控制原理是什么? 前馈反馈的控制原理? 控制系统的反馈信号使得原来信号增强的叫做( ) A、负反馈 B、正反馈 C、前馈 D、回馈 How do you like 用法 How do you like中的do和like有什么意义? how do you like . "我的生活会更精彩"翻译成英语 汽车,让生活更精彩 英文翻译世博会的主题:城市,让生活更美好 被译为Better city Better Life那么汽车,让生活更精彩应该怎么译?求个类似的译法,不能类似要正规一点的,半吊子的不要来 This is the second time that these Japanese had visited Shanghai.为什么不可以是have visited,前面是is表示已经完成,不表示过去的过去啊? This is the second time that i saw this film,so impressive to me!这句话有没有问题?前面那一部分时态有问题吗? 生理 反馈生理里面,反馈的名词解释, 局部反应的名词解释我这样对不对啊如图. They are good friends ,but they are different in some w() 首字母填空 英语翻译翻译就可以 I like to do things怎么翻译 英语翻译RT,用翻译软件的就算了……是歌词……不是歌名…… 负反馈控制另还有 采样保持(S/H) 要准确的定义是电子信息技术及仪器的课的问题 It is the second time that I have been to Beijing是主语从句吗?如题,It is the second time that I have been to Beijing.这个句子中It is ...time that 从句可以解释为主语从句吗?that 可以省略吗? 请用主将从现造10个句子,要有中文,例:If you go to the party,you will have a great time,写出一个给5分,按中文翻译不给分. piece和slice的区别是什么请说详细点呃..举几个例子呃.. When is the Children's Day/...Do you like it?What do you usually do on that day?When 可以是中外的任何节日.马上就要比赛了! Little Water Drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake. 你懂向日葵的 英语怎么说急 a pair of和a piece of的区别 Little water Droppand some of his friends fall downinto a lake翻译成中文 what other thing did you use to like to do when you ___(be) a child? 葵花用英语怎么说? 一般说a slice of tomato但是不知道能不能用a piece of tomato呢? little water drop and some of his friendslittle water drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake.(翻译成中文) I have already like you when i was a child a piece of和a slices of的区别