
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 09:01:57
(x+1)比25=13比10怎么解这个方程0.6x+2.2x-0.2=1/5 函数f(x)在定义域R上是偶函数且f(x+1)=-f(x),若f(x)在(-1,0)上是减函数那么f(x)在(1,3)是? 解方程 |x+3|+|x-1|=5 |x-1|+|x-5|=4 提示:零点分段法 一篇英语作文,求检查修改语法错误某英语报开开辟中学生栏目,就某些热点问题展开讨论,请以It`s__to learn__by yourself为题,写一篇短文,以便为该栏目投稿内容要点提示①补全题目 ②确定你的观 帮忙看一篇英语作文有无语法错误并指出I have a great dream .i want to be an astronaut when i grow up .i am surprised at univers .it is very beautifui and intretsting .i liked the univers very much .i know something about it i know the 帮我检查一下这篇英语作文有没有语法错误一定要细细检查May 12th is an unforgettable day for all the Chinese people.There was a serious earthquake on that day in Sichuan Province.The buildings fell down suddenly and thousands of 英语作文,检查是否有语法错误Now,the progress of science,great changes have taken place in people's lives.Almost everyone has his own private cars.In the street,everywhere is a busy scene.There are a lot of people and vehicles.But people n 帮忙检查英语作文的语法错误好吗I wached a film called"Alice In Wonderland” last Sunday with my sister .It is a children's story .The heroine of the film is a girl called Alice .She is good-looking.One day,she went to take part in a pa 当b为何值时,关于x的方程-2x-b=0的接比关于x的方程0.5+2b=0的解小3 零点分段讨论|2x-1|+|x+2|>0,求x的解集.|2x-1|+|x+2|>0,求x的解集.请不要留下答案就完事,请讲清楚每一步,为什么?最好能提出一些容易出错的问题,请懂的人指点.我不理解的地方主要是1、每段的取值 设f(x)在R上是偶函数,在区间(负无穷大,0)上递增的,且有f(2a平方+a+1) 设f(x)在R上是偶函数,在区间(-无穷大,0)上是递增的,且有f(2a平方+a+1)〈f(2a平方-2a+3),求a的取值范围 谁能帮我检查一下这篇英语小作文有什么语法错误…谢谢! 高分英语文章语法错误检查!How to be approved for an Adsense accountIn this article I will tell you a quick and easy way to open an account Adsense and approved by Google.Google Adsense is one of the best way to allow webmasters to earn mon 若f(x)的零点与g(x)=e^x+4x-3的零点之差的绝对值不超过0.25,则f(x)可以是A、f(x)=2^x-1B、f(x)=lg(2-x)C、f(x)=2x+1D、f(x)=丨2x-1丨 已知函数fx=2x²-1 用定义域证明fx是偶函数 求函数f(x)=x^3-2x^2-x+2的零点 函数f(x)=绝对值sinx-x/2π的零点个数是?这我当然知道,我就是不会表示有多少个交点啊。 帮忙修改下英文演讲稿,.标注下哪里有语法错误.Hello everyone,my name is LengPinwen.I’m gold to stand on here Today.I want to talking about friendship.Friendship is an important part of our life.Everyone needs friends.But how to kee 帮我检查一下这段英文有没有语法错误,顺便帮我改正一下,Today I was sick,so I had to go to the doctor and rest.I told the doctor,I have no strength,headache,and I do not want to eat anything,and I am hot.The doctor said I had a c 若函数f(x)是定义域R上的偶函数,在(-∞,0]上是减函数,且f(2)=0,则使f(x) x分之一+2=0是不是一元一次方程? x分之1 + 1 =2分之x 是一元一次方程吗? 若f(x)是定义域在│x│xㅌR,且x≠0上的偶函数,在(负无穷大0)上是增函数,且f若f(x)是定义域在│x│xㅌR,且x≠0上的偶函数,在(负无穷大0)上是增函数,且f(-3)=0.求使f(x)>0的x的取值范 若关于x的方程x+m/x-3=m无解,求M的值什么是增根?我是这么解的,两边同时乘以x-3,变成x+m=m(x-3)设x=2.2+m=-m,m=-1.x-1=-(x-3)设x=4.3=1,因为无解,所以m=-1..到底这么做,知道的速度发,(x+m)/(x-3)=m没打清 已知方程2/X-M/X^2-X=1+1/x-1,求是否存在M的值使方程无解 若关于x的方程(x-2)/(x-3)=m/(x-3) +2无解,则m值为?急…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 若方程(x-3)/(x-2)=m/(2-x)无解,求m的值,求个位详细一点, 英语作文,帮忙改下语法错误啊,Cristiano RonaldoI saw Cristiano Ronaldo for the first time when I was about fifteen years old.On that day,my father and I was watching the football games at midnight.At that time it was the 2010 FIFA World Cu 可以帮我改下语法错误吗?英语 作文以下是 我的作文The film ‘Les yeux sans visag’e is a relic of black-and-white cult filmin 1960s.The story theme is not new,but it is one of the most graceful andvisually sumptuous horror films. 请帮我修改一下英语作文,讲城市和乡村生活的区别.好处坏处和共同点.life in a city is very comfortable ,there has kinds of restrounds and apartments around the city .we can go anywhere by car ,taxi or bus.on weekends,we often 英语作文帮改语法错误Dear Mr.Smith,I'm Li Min.Due to rain,I have a cold and is sneezing and coughing.Unfortunately,I have to go to hospitalchecking and injection.I 'm begging you to approve one day leave for me tomorrow.Today's homework,I'll