
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:03:07
定语从句一定要紧跟在所修饰的名词后吗?将下列简单句合并为有that引导的定语从句My father took many photos in Australia. They were liked by his friends改:my father took many photos in Australia that were liked by his 如果你刚从英国回来,你的英语老师要求你在课上谈谈中英两国的一些差异,请根据下表内容用英语写一篇发言稿 如果定语从句和介宾短语同时修饰一个名词词组,那么它们的语序有规律的用法,还是看具体语境随机应变?例1)Sanya which is a beautiful city in Hainan Province also is my hometown.例2)Sanya in Hainan Province wh 限定性定语从句的先行词一定是名词或代词吗,不可以是短语或句子吗?谢谢啦 请问I wanna everything goes well这句话有什么语法错误吗? I hope everything ____ well with you. goes还是will go?为什么? 这里面的定语从句修饰的是什么呀,难道是整个句子? 非限制性定语从句是放在所修饰的词的后面还是直接放在整个句子的后面? 非限定性定语从句中,which 修饰前面整个句子看语法书上有非限定性定语从句,用which修饰前面整个句子的情况.比如 The meeting was put off,which was exactly what we wanted.但看了GMAT的语法,好像说是which只 如何确定非限制性定语从句修饰的是前面句中的名词还是前面的整个句子呢? 《与朱元思书》语言美、意境美、志趣美表现在哪 美如什么词语 美得怎么样 词语 美什么的词语 关于单相思的英文歌关于单相思,暗恋对方,可对方甚至不知道自己是谁的英文歌要英文歌! 暗恋别人的英文歌谁介绍几首.. 孔子的弟子颜回是怎么死的? 关于四面楚歌的概括要写出这个成语故事的概括,大概五十字左右.太多字的不要. 构成排比句.青春是一团火,…….青春是一面旗帜,……. 听说世纪青年最口语很火,有没有上过的人说一下? 青春是一团熊熊燃烧的火,让人热血沸腾,仿句青春是青春是青春是速度速度 青春:你乘风飞扬,诗一般的浪漫,火一样的热烈,仿写:幸福:青春:你乘风飞扬,诗一般的浪漫,火一样的热烈幸福: I believe……I can I hope everything goes well…come on I hope everything goes well 翻译中文 要一首英文暗恋的诗我暗恋的叫lina要英文诗 暗恋 这个词用英语咋说暗恋的英语咋说 1.be for(赞同)造句 2.be against(反对)造句 填适当的介词或副词1、 The train didn't arrive _____ schedule(时间表) ,it was late for an hour 高一英语题目 速度As the final examimation was coming,the teachers were busy___the test papers.A.preparing B.preparing for C.doing D.finding 改错1 The man whom I spoke is from Canada.2 those that haven't been to the West Lake will gather at the school gate.3 I don't like the way which you talked to your friend.4 Those at the desk want to buy tickets write down your names.5 Which is know 添英语字母组单词( )B( ) hope everything goes well!I miss you! Hope you everything goes well,smart girl.