
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 16:35:26
有一个英语句子不太明白原句:In a fairly real situation,I can talk to others about whatever I want to.我想问这句话的最后一个to行不行去掉?我总感觉它是多余的,我试着把这句话变成陈述句,觉得to后面少 ____ either you or she going to the United States?为什么A.Is B.Are C.Have D.Does Either you or she is going to Shanghai (否定句) [ ]Either you or she is going to Shanghai (否定句)[ ] you [ ] she is going to Shanghai学霸请帮忙,必采纳,空格部分是需要填空的问题 东方神起It's raining man中心什么时候唱的?原唱是谁? It's raining 不要用直译来糊弄人 没错 英文翻译 where did you meet Matyfor the first time?It's on the farm____we worked together?A:that B:where Cwhich D:/为什么不可以这样理解:which修饰the farm,为什么一定要理解成where修饰on the farm呢?另外,What's that building?____the me I’m going to Beijing ____.A.the next week B.next week C.on next day D.on the next day I'm going to Beijing ------next week.Asometime Bsometimes Csome time Dsome times 结合20世纪重大历史背景,说明孙中山三民主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论三者的历史联系 求it's raining men 的歌词以及翻译! it is raining men 为什么是基友之歌?Humidity is rising Barometer's getting low According to our sources The street's the place to go Cause' tonight for the first time Just about half past ten For the first time in historyIt's gonna start raini 英语翻译RT 温州的地理概况面积人口气候行政中心交通概况语言 英语翻译这句话!"没错,有些事情回不去了 "也许你会说,不用惊奇,因为"用英语怎么说?教教我! I am going to beijing on the Nationai Holiday什么意思 I am going to Beijing at the national holiday 为什么错了? 帮我起同我个名同谐音噶英文名..姓和名都要..我叫 郑国斌 ..唔该晒..要系同广东话同谐音噶..普通话唔得 they've got some rice and some chicken.对划线部分提问画线部分是some rice and some chicken急,快回答 请问 我想改个 好听又有谐音噶英文名我叫 朱宏泰 我想我自己有一个好特别噶英文名啊...我叫:ding hui min我想个英文名短d啊..太长五好写..仲有..我想个英文名似非主流..我系女仔..仲有仲有..我个英文名五好多人用.. 英语句子,不太明白句子是:I can't seen to get anyone in a hospital to listen to my complaints.这句话大意我明白:是说在医院里找不到一个人听她的抱怨.但是句子开头的“I can't seen 是“看起来不……” 用some chicken and rice 提问 这个英语句子看不太明白He was a member of the crew of a Royal Canadian Navy ship that was part of one of the convoys that escorted supply ships across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe during the war.这个句子中的part of所指主干是什 有没有时长三分钟的英文演讲稿越多越好可以是笑话或故事等. 求一篇英语演讲稿2分钟左右 内容不限 最好是原创的 You can read books and but you can't buy books in Read such books as you can easily understand为什么用as不用that呢 they meet ( )the first time A at B for 选哪个?麻烦尽快大家说用for the first time 能不能详细的说明为什么不用A呢? greeting people you meet for the first first 朴有天 尹恩惠MV_We Meet For The First Time背景音乐是什么