
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:57:06
watch dragon boat _ _ _do last week?I_to Guangzhou to watch a dragon boat race. 我国东部地区夏季降水变率大的原因 什么是降水变率?降水变率该怎么计算? 大气降水变率 same前要用定冠词the same,那可以用a same吗 the same looks 和look the same什么区别 说下分别用在什么时候 what do you think is the hardest thing about being a parent?why?话题essay6小节 每节4到5句话急用啊.具体一点好伐。 定冠词the具体什么时候加, 定冠词The在什么时候加?简明叙述, lucy 讲哪种语言?—她讲英语.(翻译成英语) Lucy不如她姐姐擅长体育 英语翻译 Standing over there was a tall,dark man.使用这个句子在写作中有什么好处呢? 她的爱好是什么翻译成英语用she还是her Lucy在她父亲旁边 英文翻译 There was an old man standing over herstand over不是延期么?也可以表示站么?本句该如何翻译呢? 单句改错:Have you noticed that there is an one-eyed man standing over there? I love all the seasons.They are all beautiful and find many thing to do.这句话有没有错 I do not agree with you!The love give you strong and encourage?what do you think so? No,he doesn's.My father doesn's like flowers.改成疑问句 He doesn't like salad( ) milk. 改正were you visit the museum last weekend?把原因打上 明朝共有多少位皇帝? "They have many difficulties to complete the project in two years." 这句话对吗?如果哪位能够帮忙分析一下错在哪里或者分析一下句子结构就更好了, there are only a few steps to doing the experiment 为什么不用to do,而用 to doing 那位英语高手帮忙翻译个句子!急! 用devote to doing work on the project 我一天只能在这个项目...那位英语高手帮忙翻译个句子!急!用devote to doing work on the project我一天只能在这个项目上花两个小时. 为什么 S(n-1)=Sn-An 已知数列(an),Sn是前n项的和,且an=S(n-1)+2,a1=2求数列(an)的通项公式设bn=1/log2an,Tn=b(n+1)+b(n+2)+.+b(2n),是否存在最大的正整数k,使得对于任意的正整数n,有Tn>k/12,恒成立?若存在,求k值,不存在说明理 数列{an}满足an+an+1=1/2(n属于N*),a1=-1/2,Sn是{an}的前n项和,则S2011=_ 英语翻译还有It will be three years before he graduated. 直到他回来我才离开 it was __ __ he came back __i left ping reguest could not find host www.baidu.com.Please check the name and try again.想知道中文的解释