
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 19:01:02
已知直角三角形的三边分别是a,a+b,a+2b(其中a>0,b>0),求a与b的比 已知直角三角形的三边分别为a,a+b,a+2b,其中a大于0,b大于0,则a与b的比为,要写出过程 已知直角三角形的三边分别为a,a+b,a+2b,其中b>0,则a与b的比为多少? 直角三角形的三边为a,a+b,a+2b 且a>0,b>0 则a:b=多少? i found the man ----(捆)the dog to the tree at that time kiss the rain yiruma 谁能告诉我这个的中文意思呢还有这首歌的大概意思, 已知直角三角形的斜边长为10,两直角边之比为3:4,求他的面积 .好象是应用直角三角形的勾股定理什么的.. 一个等腰直角三角形的一条等腰边长3.问有多少平方分米? =IF(ABS(MAX(J13:O13))>ABS(MIN(J13:O13)),MAX(J13:O13),MIN(J13:O13)) excel中公式编辑是什么意思谁知道 描写山水的词语和佳句(句子不要太长,20多个子就可以啦!) Studying in a foreign country is a different___and you can learn a lot.A.event B.exercise C.experience D.exhibition不是应该选C吗? the best way to learn about a foreign country is reading newspapers and magWhat is more,watching television and browsing websites are more effective than reading newspapers and magazines.————————————————————— excel表格里IF(1 EXCEL中ABS(-1)-ABS(-1)=-2 ABS不是绝对值的意思吗?写错了,应该是,ABS(-3)-ABS(-1)= -2 excel如何得到:=abs(8-1)+abs(3-9)+abs(4-9)=尾数5就是说上题结果本来应该等于18的,但我只取它的尾数就是8,就是这样~ put under arrest是什么意思 Look There 's a girl ----(cry) in the center of the street. Do you hear of the girl who sold m_____ in the street? the girl was walking along the street( )of the traffic accident空里填啥? the main difference is that to exit via an ipo will take longer... The main difference for me now is that I have a much more flexible schedule翻译一下中文 when the man went out of the shop ,he found his car____(lose)理由? it's is December here.It's summer in Australia用Although连接成复合句 Summer comes (in DECEmber) in Australia.{括号内部分提问} 连词成句 1.is It December in (.)2.birthday is your When (.) 3.Bill's Uncle in June is birthday (.) 有这样一组数,20,1+20,2+20,3+20,其中第n个数用含有字母的试子表示为_ There are _________in class four as in class one.A.so many students B.as many students和翻译 under arrest for 字母a可以表示数,在我们现在所学的范围内a可以表示什么样的数字母a可以表示数,在我们现在所学的范围内,你能否试着说明a可以表示什么样的数 3/1(一分之三),150%,1,3/4(四分之三),60%( 在括号填一个数 ),( ),( ).规律是: 握着你的手我不愿放开 是什么歌 arrest for 是么