
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:33:07
一个八棱柱共有_个面,_条棱,_个顶点,其中至少有_个面的形状和面积是完全相同的 在古代汉语中,“者”和“所”为什么是特别的指示代词? 古汉语指示代词和人称代词的分别是?有明确界限吗? 古代汉语中表示近指代词和远指代词的虚词有哪些? 英语翻译GO to the thief's house and find out where he's stashing the money 英语翻译Try to develop a Risk Key Figure evaluation before and after supply risk measure are taken. 一句英语翻译,完全看不懂Anyone who didn’t know it before should have learned that bad things can happen. And they are made much worse by our willful blindness to risk as much as our reluctance to work together before everything goes to he 若θ是第二象限角,sin(cosθ)tan3的符号 有一句英文看不懂.向银行查询新客户资信情况?Dear Sirs,We have received an order for US$56 500 worth of goods from XXX Co.,Ltd.They have given us your bank as a reference.We wish to know if they are good for this amount and in ever 一句英文,看不懂.The tree has grown against a warm wall on a sheltered side of the house.那棵树是靠着房子有遮挡的一面暖墙生长的.首先不知道什么是暖墙,其次这里这棵树和墙子到底是一个什么位置关系. 有一句英文看不懂帮帮忙But,just as the China's periodic shrill threats to Taiwan threaten the stability of the wider region,so the plight and growing anger of China's peasantry are harbinger of potential trouble ahead at home.是讲关于 一句看不懂的英文..His work references everyday objects that ere given now meaning and visual context by their surroundings. 一句英文,我看不懂,if u want ill talk to leader of the one im in 这句话怎么理解? 已知α是第二象限角,试确定sin(cosα)*cos(sinα)的符号, 古汉语常用代词 用函数的定义证明: 古代汉语代词部分比较拿手的进来看下,什么是旁指代词?"此无他,不与民同乐也"中的"他"和"无它敌焉"中的"它",都是旁指代词,什么叫旁指代词,这两个字在这两句话中是什么意思? 用函数极限定义证明函数极限第一题和第九题 TAT 矩阵A^2=A,那A 的特征值是0或1呢?还是0和1呢? 已知a=0为矩阵A=(0 2 -2)(-2 2 -2)(-2 -2 2)的二重特征值,则A的另一特征值为?A=(0 -2 -2)2 2 -2-2 -2 2 三角形ABC中,AB=3,AC=2,D为ABC中点,则向量AD·向量BC=多少 因式分解:(a-3b)^2-4c^2n证明“81^7-27^-9^13能被45整除3^n+2-2^n+2+3^n-2^n绕梁三日说明的声音的什么 用(勤奋)(毅力)(成功)三个词语写一个短的故事. please write to and tell me about your school为什么是write to please write to me soon and tell me about your school.意思 排列组合里(n+1)!这个怎么算 成语接龙和修改句子怎么做? 有没有知道一种成语接龙的经典句子是一种以正方形的格式从外向里转圆圈一样转到里面,非常经典,请大家帮我找找那些句子谢谢了 兴什么的abb的词语2个 ABB式的词语 兴( )( )急 ( )( )kjkjkj 60%×3/7+3/5÷7/4 30×(3/5+1/6-4/15)要简算, 填诗句~类似于成语接龙的你能按下面格式,在括号内填上诗句,使上一句诗的最后一个字成为下一句诗的开头一字吗?1.随风直到夜郎西----西出阳关无故人----()() ( ) ( )()()意2.欲()(