
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 13:31:50
某学校七年级的213名学生去科技馆参观,租用了某公交公司的几辆公共汽车.如果每辆车坐30人,则最后一辆车坐不满但也不空着,他们公租了多少辆公共汽车? You shouldn’t ______ your time like that,Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.a、cutb、doc、killd、kickIt is said that ______ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time,though others prefer basketball.选项:a、q Do you have any problems if you( )this job?If you are offered this job是一般现在时态,但前面的主句却不是将来时态.不是说主句用“将来时态”,从句用“一般现在时态”吗? What job do you want to have?Why?What do you do in that job?写一篇大约3、4分钟的文章 Do you have a career planning?How do you prepare for your future job?求有关的文章或句子 i do have a job for you语法对吗,这是什么句型? 慈禧太后是哪个皇帝的母亲? 为什么皇帝的母亲被称作老佛爷为什么清朝皇帝的母亲叫作老佛爷? 皇帝的妈妈为什么叫老佛爷? 慈禧太后是清朝哪位皇帝的皇后 皇上的母亲为什么叫老佛爷? 一辆汽车三小时行135千米,一架飞机飞行的速度是汽车的28倍,还少60千米.这架飞机每小时行多少千米? We have spoken of marriage as a formal contract.It should be noted,however,that this contract do 英语翻译 I have no provenance that this英语翻译I have no provenance that this is an original, so am selling as a copy. It is certainly top quality and meets the specification of many original Feldblusen I have seen, but the condition seems to We had a misunderstanding .However,I feel confident that we have cleared up it .找错误(A) a misunderstanding(B) However,I(C) feel confident(D) up it 能不能帮我翻译all that we have,all that we had 甲乙两人骑自行车同时从相距96千米的两地相向出发,两小时相遇,甲骑自行车每小时行23千米,乙骑自行车1小时走几千米?{方程} 两地相距100千米.甲乙两人骑自行车同是出发.经过4小时后相遇,相遇后在经过2小时,两人相距几千米? 昨天,我在街上看见一个穿着漂亮连衣裙的姑娘.这句话用英语怎么说? 甲乙两人分别从A,B两地骑自行车相向而行,甲先行一小时后,乙才出发,又经过四小时两人在C处相遇,相遇后甲按原来的速度继续前进,乙休息20分钟后,也按原来的速度前进,结果甲到达B地比乙到 一辆汽车每小时行45千米,一架飞机每小时飞行的距离比汽车行驶的27倍少12千米,这架飞机每小时行驶多少千米? 白色连衣裙-------- 英语怎么说?SOS. 这是谁的连衣裙用英语怎么说 你喜欢那些连衣裙?用英语怎么说?你喜欢那些连衣裙?我喜欢黑色的那些.用英语怎么说?......无语 All students need to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you can learn things When you have such h__,you learn things q__.You also r__tnem easily.This is我的英语homework,But Ican not写.So 我 hope 你can help 我 When we have formed the good study habit,we learn things quickly and remember things easily.翻译 When you have good study habits,you will learn things quickly and also remember them easily. "短裙"和"连衣裙"用英语怎么说? 皇后是皇帝的第一任妻子么 古代皇帝的女人是怎么排名的 翻译:你曾经参观过别的国家吗 Have you ever_ _ _ _