
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 02:51:06
白色加粉色颜色混合是什么颜色 一种咖啡饮料的标志是一个圆圈里有一个长发的女的 名字好像是F开头的 是玻璃瓶子的 Like she really 是什么 Really?What's she like?的中文 连词成句:she like really what's (帮连词成句:she like really what's She really like movies.否定句怎么变doesn't 加在 really 还是 like 前面?说明理由 问老师说是 She doesn't really like movies 英语排序 ( )Ihave a new English teacher.( )Really?What's she like?( )What her name?(( )Ihave a new English teacher.( )Really?What's she like?( )What her name?( )Let's go and say"Hello" to her.( )S 最新的网络流行语+解释 亲爱的爸爸西班牙语怎么说 西班牙语我亲戚回国了我爸爸要帮他管店的怎么说所以不能来 英语翻译I was driving home one evening about 5,stuck in traffic,and the car started to die— I hardly managed to get into a gas station,glad only that I would have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck(拖车).Before I could make the ca 猜你妹第六关,八个字的网络流行语是什么. No one really care about me.no one care about me.I don't need someone to care about care for还有“在意”,care about是“在乎”.She does not really tea,she like coffee better.答案是care for为什么 I really care about 黑色加蓝色是什么色 they don't really care about us的英文歌词排版要紧密,不要译文 l really care about you and care about you like you.请帮我翻译中文. 现在中国环境最好的城市是哪里?风景最美的又是哪里?☆环境是指空气比较清新干净的〓风景是指值得好好游览一番的☆ 中国最值得去的城市 自然风景多些 古老点的 西语和怎么说 一个容积是m升的杯子倒满了纯牛奶,小明第一次喝了纯牛奶的6分之1,第二次喝了剩下的3分之1.两次喝完后还剩多少升 一满杯纯牛奶,喝去20%后,加水搅匀,再喝去60%,这时杯中的纯牛奶是杯子容积的百分之几? 转基因食品能吃吗? 尽量别吃垃圾食品用Try开头 一百米接力赛有什么技巧? 我今天下午要参加校运会,我想问一下,4乘100米的接力赛的技巧是什么?我是第三棒的,我的对手很强我想跑得快一些,有什么跑得快的决战吗?还有,跑步前喝葡萄糖水可以跑得快吗?是绝招才对,我 4×100米接力赛怎么跑? 四乘100米接力赛规则 would you like _________orange juice A some B any C many D little 说清楚为什么 Would you like___orange juice.空白处应填some还是any? 橙色加绿色会变成什么色