
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:58:56
作文:《13岁的天空》、《13岁的我遇见您》 十三岁的天空,你是什么色彩(初一作文) I saw a cat________ (跳下来)from the tree just now.这时要用jumping down,还是jump down? 那条河流 第三自然段有四个 理所当然 构成的排比句,强调了我的什么心态 Mr Qian is a (know)scientist in our country我填的known对么 can you see -----birds in the tree?请问用 some 还是用 any can you see some/any birds in that tree,Danny?选项A.some,B.any 一道选择题--Are all the telephone numbers _________in the directory? --Yes,all _ Jane`s.--Are all the telephone numbers _________in the directory? --Yes,all _ Jane`s.A.listed include Blisting includesClisted includingDbeing listed ;includes为 贺循在哪里说左氏之传,史之极也,文采若云月 ________________you_______________(can see)the tall tree on the hill? --Are all the telephone numbers _________in the directory?--Yes,all _ Jane`s.A.listed include Blisting includesClisted includingDbeing listed ;includes(请注明理由, Can you see any birds?为什么用any ---Are all the telephone numbers listed in the directory?— yes,all ____ Jane's请问这个空应该填include还是including?我觉得二者词性都对并且都顺啊?二者区别是什么 Are all telephone numbers _in the directory?#Yes,all _ Jane`s.A.listed:including B.listed include我觉得第二个空应该说被包括! Aren't the koalas cult?-Yes,_____________A.kinds of B.all kinds of C.kind of D.a kind ofcult打错了,是cute,说说为什么 求对称的句子 日光倾城 也未必温暖 求相对应的句子 以月光 为主题吧 .文采高的大哥大姐们帮下 数学家的未解之谜最近遇到了一个很奇怪的算术式,大家可以用计算机试试,用12345679乘以81以下3的倍数,比如12345679 乘以3等于37037037 ,乘以6 等于74074074,乘以9 等于11111111,大家来研究一下规律时 有个老农民有19头牛,分给老大总数的1/2,分给老二总数的1/4,分给老三总数的1/5,问三人各分得几头牛? 把下列分数约分成最简分数 (1)六十五分之十三 (2)五又七十二分之二十四 (3)五十分之十四 (4)二十分之十五 (5)十二分之十 (6)十四分之三十八 (7)三十二分之四十 (8)一百 有哪些著名数学家?如题 tanx*根号(sec^2x-1) +1/cosx*根号(1+tan^2x)=1求x,请写详细些 3.Look at the __________.It’s not big.It’s __________.Boom!Boom! 求问,∫sec^2xdx=∫(1/cos^2x)dx=tanx+C的推导过程~谢谢~ His uncie has a soccer ball 用some替换句中的a 四十八分之四十五约分成最简分数是多少?记得把过程也写出来,就是除以几可以约分成最简分数.一定记得要最简分数!用汉字表示分数,不能用符号隔开啊! 下面的分数是最简分数的打√,把剩余的分数约分成最简分数.四十八分之三十二( )、七十八分之三十九( 下面的分数是最简分数的打√,把剩余的分数约分成最简分数.四十八分之三十二( does germany is a european union country这句话有语法错误吗我能不能这样问is germany a european union country? You never think about how to make yourself l______ better. 选择其中的三个进行造句 欢呼雀跃 合不拢嘴 一声不吭 来之不易 毫不犹豫提醒:是三个各造一句 it is supposed to make you feel better about yourself and the people around you 下列函数 y=πx ,y=2x-1,y=x分之一,y=2的-1次方-3x,y=x的平方-1中是一次函数的有,快 His uncle has a daughter,改为否定句