
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 21:22:43
新概念英语第二册十一课练习答案 英语只过了四级 听看问题不大 但是口语表达不行 现在是一名空乘 想要在工作之余学习雅思 求好方法介绍 历史-谈谈清政府在近代史上一列强反侵略战争中失败的原因写多几点哦,清楚点 求翻译 There was a small click and the door swung open.请问,门swing open是个什么状态? A person's success usually ( ) many things,one of which is hard worka、A.gets onb、 B.bases onc、 C.depends ond、 D.believes in 近代史上,我国都跟哪些国家打过战争?小战役也算 我国近代史上发生的战争和后果 getting jumped= The act of being maliciously assulted by a large number of individuals,usually physical but may be verbal. 台湾形成出口导向型经济的原因 do you like science 为什么填why Precious love you more than a 5.WE SPENT THE __DAYS ON THE BEACH.A:FEW LAST SUNNY B:LAST FEW SUNNY C:LAST SUNNY FEWD:FEW SUNNY LAST Last year,we spent Christmas and New Year in Queensland,Australia.The beaches there were beautiful,and we spent a lot of time playing by the sea,swimming and surfing.One day,we were on a beach just south of a city called Cairns.My little sister was l I just can 't make it one day without I can't live one more day without you in my arms 如题,请问怎么翻译? 求do you need some amount of money to be happy回答提纲do you need some amount of money to be happy?if so,how much and why?针对这个问题发表自己的观点 不需要完整文章 只需要提纲 讲下应该谈些什么 need money to do sth有助于回答者给出准确的答案 雨會下雨會停這是不變的道理`` 夜空中北極星迷路的人不再恐惧``? The cake is so big.How did your mother make it?She made it[【】A.with hand hand hands hand 概率计算,我自己算了几次都感觉好像不对,盒子里有30个不同的球,每次随机取出3个,然后放回去,问:取多少次之后,30个球都被取过一次的概率大于99%?烦请给出答题思路, 麻烦谁能帮我计算下这个概率,35个号数,随机5个号数一组,请问共有多少组啊? 我们数学上到用频率估计概率,我总是觉得这样有误差,比如说你投1000次硬币万一1000都正的呢,这样不准了 这题第四题算概率怎么算,答案是1/88,我觉得是1/80,实在觉得很奇怪 Without Your,Days Are Like :"Moanday" "Tearsday" "Wasteday" "Thirstday" "Frightday" "Shatterday"求如题:翻译成中文,还有一个 Sadday Without you,days are like:Moanday,Tearsday,Wasteday,Thirstday,Frightday,Shatterday and Sadda这句话想表达什么? Every day without you is like a book without pages. 这是不是思念人的句子Every day without you is like a book without pages.是啥意思完整希望朋友们尽快 翻译下 “就”在文言文中的意思及其例句 文言文中以为有哪些意思,还要有例句, 我需要八年级下册英语的磁带(新目标)mp3格式的. She spent too much honey in clothes.改错 Every day without you is like a book without pages,do you know?