
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 08:35:39
商不变的性质是什么 商不变的性质是什么 分数的性质是商不变的性质是什么 分数的性质是什么 分数与除法的性质是什么 proper care will be ___such delicate instruments.a.taking of b.taken ofc.taken ofd.taking by.the mans said the car ___day after day by him for five years by the end of next montha.would be drivenb.would be drivingc.would have been drivend.would have 麻烦诸位1.nervous/students/tanking/very/time/an/test/a/for/be/english/can(重新排列组句子)2.I enioy___people from other countries第一题是这样的~nervous/students/Taking/very/time/an/test/a/for/be/English/can 1.when you find something,make a note ( )it is found.A.which B.at where C.in which D.where2.Great progress( )in science in the past few years.A.had been made B.will be made C.has been made D.was made3.He likes swimming( )I like skating.A.when B.while 选词填空 take up/take advantage of/take place/take a chance/take into account1 her time is fully__with writing2 we will __with the weather and go for a picnic3 we have never discovered what__between them that night4 when judging his performance,d 在三角形ABC中,角ACB=90度,角B=60度,AD CE分别是角BAC的,角BCA的平分线,AD CE相交于F 判断FE FD之间关系如果三角形ABC中 角ACB不再是直角,其他条件不变,那么前面的结论是否成立?说出理由~看不出名堂 如图所示,在rt三角形abc中,角acb等于90度,de垂直ab,ae等于be,bc等于6,ac等于10,则三角形bcd的周长是 在三角形ABC中,角ACB=90度,a.b.c分别是角A,角B,角C的对边,三角形ABC的面积是24,a+b=14,求c的长 写出十个正比例和反比例的式子,比如说正比例工作时间一定,工作效率和工作量,反比例货物的单价越低,卖出的数量就越高. 2No one tell us ____,so we neen your help.A how will we do B what should wo do C how to do it D what do 3I _____ think ____ rain this afternoon.Don't take an umbrella with you.A don't;it won't B don't;it's going to C /;it doesn't D /;it's not going t 如图,在三角形ABC中,角ABC,角ACB的平分线交于O(1)若角A=50度,求角BOC的度数;(2)设角A=n度(n为已知数),求角BOC的度数;(3)当角A为多少度时,角BOC=3角A 如图,三角形ABC的角ABC和角ACB的平分线BE,CF相交于点G,求证: 如图,在三角形ABC中,BD,CE分别是角ABC.角ACB的平分线.(3)若角A=X度,用含X的代数式表示角BPC的度数 如图,在三角形ABC中,角ABC与角ACB的平分线交于点IID垂直于BC于D,已知三角形ABC的周长为24,ID=2,求三角形ABC的面积 一个正m边形恰好被正n边形围住m=4,n=8事的情况,若m=10,则n=?写具体点 谢谢 m加n等于91 m除n等于8余1 点P(8,10)关于直线x=m的对称点为(6,10),关于y=n的对称点为(8,-8),则m+n等于多少 如图,在三角形abc中,角acb等于90度,cd垂直于ab于d,ae是角bac的平分线,eg垂直于ab于g.求证,cf等于eg 工作量一定,工作效率与工作时间成反比;和 工作量一定,时间比等于工作效率的反比.这两句表述的是一个意思,还是第二句是从第一句推导出来的; 希望高手回答,并说明理由改为反义疑问句I am pretty happy,___ ___?这题别人说是填 aren't I 为什么?改为同义句Turn right at the second turning._____ the second turning _____the right.改为一般疑问句 My mother often do choose the best answers1)Excuse me,can I have your eraser?A、Sure.Here you are.B、Of course C、Certainly D、No,you can't.I am using it.2)It's nine thirty.________________A、It's time for bed.B、Let's go for sleep.C、It's time to go to bed.D、 询问几道英语题.希望能仔细回答.并说明理由.1、They reached the farm on a lot sunmmer morning【该为同义句】They----- -----they farm----the morning------a lot sunmmer【一共三个空哦】2.To protect the environment is neces 工作量、工作时间、工作效率的关系 问几道英语的题目!beause of the rain=( )( )( )of the rainWhen did he come?Do you know?(合并)Do you know( )he( Has Sally arrived?Lingling asks me.(合并)Lingling asks me( )( )( )arrived.He didn't know if he should move the table.(同义 已知点M(3,-2)与点N(x,y)在同一条平行于x轴的直线上,且N到 y轴的距离等于5,那么点N的坐标是? 在y轴上求一点M,使M与点N(6,8)的距离等于10 点m到y轴的距离与到点a(4,-2)的距离都等于10,则点m的坐标为 已知点M(3,-2)与点N(x,y)在同一条平行于x轴的直线上,且N到 y轴的距离等于4,那么点N的坐标是? 要有理由,用适当的介词填空 1.thirty years has passed_____his father's death.2.china lies_____the east of asia and_____the north of Australia.我填的是in和to,3.he came back late,______which time all the guests had already left.A.after B 点M(3,-2)与点N(x,y)都在同一条平行于x轴的直线上,且N点到y轴的距离等于4则N的坐标是A.(4,2)或(-4,2)B.(4,-2)或(-4,-2)C.(4,-2),或(-4,2)D.(4,-2)或(-1,-2) 1.China is a great country “with” a history of more than 5000 years.为什么用with?2.Nobody knows what ______(happen) in 100 years.3.To my _____(surprised),he was the first one to leave school yesterday.4.Our classroom is as big as yours.同义