
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:06:29
We often call_____(he)Liangliang.为什么填him 关于酒店注意消防安全的通知怎么写? How much is that book(同义句)What's___ ___ ___ that book? i like it so much that i do it all day.已经抵达 I like the book very much.(就划线句子提问) _____ do you ______ _______ the book 谁能把“Give him an inch,and he will take a mile”改成If从句+主句的形式?把下面的也改一下1:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy ,wealthy and wise.(早睡早起,精神百倍)2:God helps those who help them selv 茶马天下怎么样 I give him a call.L_,he comes to my home 谁能把“Give him an inch,and he will take a mile”改成If从句+主句的形式?把下面的也改一下:1:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy ,wealthy and wise.(早睡早起,精神百倍)2:God helps those who help them 全世界最好的茶是什么茶?如题,哪个国家的什么茶? You may drop in or just give him a call._____will do.A.Neither B.Whether C.All D.Either What do you k______ about the book Harry Potter 空缺处填什么? 大洋洲和南美洲分界线?急…… Did you know whom the book____?a.is belonged tob.is belonging toc.belongs ford.belongs to How do you like the book "Harry Potter?"(同意句) —— —— —— -------- ------- the "harry Potter 英语翻译我将带你到你想去的地方 翻译:I will take you to where you want to go第一个to有没有 分析成分go where you want to go分析成分 The advantage and disadvantage of studying abroad? accordingly,anyone who wishes to love and be loved will want to lasting relationshipsAform B develop Cmake D build up理由 带有动物名字的个性网名最好是繁体的,个性一点,麻烦各位哥哥姐姐了!不好意思,我要个性一点的 which is bigger,the sun or the moon?在此题中,sun 和 moon前的the起到什么作用?为什么要家加the? 帮我找40种动物的名称及其它们的特点找出他们的名字,最好是稀奇一点的动物然后附上30字左右的说明 谢谢 速度哦. advertisement关于广告的历史和发展历程或前景,要英文版本的 世界上最好喝的茶想找出世界上最好喝 ...最好喝的茶 因为 我...答应他...要泡茶给他 想” 让他喝出 滋味 各位男士有喝过特别””的茶的跟我说哦! 英文作文 The Empty House能帮我写篇英文作文吗 以The Empty House为题 主题不限 100个单词以内 the house___(be) empty for ages. enter into the home 是错的?into是不是要去掉 怎么才能区分正地形与逆地形呢?断层又是什么,它有那些特点? he was observed to slip into the house and help himself to what he liked before the owner came back中help himself to what he liked 为什么翻译为为所欲为呢?中间的What怎么理解.是不是to 后面省略了一个do,什么情况下可以 斯里兰卡的茶叶是世界上最好的茶叶吗? 世界上,茶有几种?什么茶最贵?什么茶最好喝 世界上最好的茶是什么茶?为什么? There___three plants in the corners of the room.用is\are\have里面的哪个