
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 20:58:43
四篇英语日记,带上翻译最好 "棍棒底下出孝子"用英语怎么表达? 棒子底下出孝子用英语怎么说 英语翻译fred001的回答是“不打不成器”的意思,和我的问题很接近,但我特别想表达“出孝子”.而且最好不要用英文中已经有的谚语. look at today is newspaper 改为否定句怎么改 look at today's newspaper.改为否定句 ①Look at Today's newspaper.Some information _____ really interesting.A.does B.is C.are D.do②---____ going to beach for a picnic?---That's a good idea!A.What about B.How is C.Why not D.Why don't you I'm swimming at the pool.(一般疑问句) I am swimming in the swimming pool改为一般疑问句 英语改否定句,一般疑问句:1:l am cleaning the room 2:the boy is swimming at the pool3:his mother is making dinner4:we are visiting the teacher5:they‘re going to Canada6:her father is writing 的 得 地 在什么句型里用这些词语 The old woman got the money from the young man by a t____​ 英语好是靠做题还是靠语法单词我英语挺好,想进一步提升.英语平时是要多做题,还是多读背 托福是做题方法重要还是词汇语法重要 the young man took the clock happily and thanked the old 我是一个国际生,现在每天要背300,400个单词.虽然背下来了,但是在做题的时候感觉把以前的语法单词什么很多东西又慢慢的忘掉了怎么办啊,感觉记一点忘一点啊 我英语基础很差,现在往上赶,单词语法都背得很好,可是做题还是费劲,我现在经常做,不知道能不能提上去 华盛顿邮报有没有中文版 华盛顿邮报历史最好是英语的 英语翻译The panel found that Chinese measures "accord imported auto parts less favorable treatment than like domestic auto parts" or "subject imported auto parts to an internal charge in excess of that applied to like domestic auto parts." 野马脱缰式的词语1.野马脱缰( )( )( )( )2.许下宏愿( )( )( )( )3.行善积德( )( )( )( )4.师传身授( )( )( )( )5.雪山旷野( )( )( )( ) 一道英语选择题,Of the two Australian students,Tom is ___ one ,I think you can find her.A.tallerB.the tallerC.tallestD.the tallest为什么选B,其他的不选又是怎么错了?求详解希望尽早得到您的回答.坐等回答 Find English movies boring Find English movie are boring 有啥区别 .打错了 第二个句子 movies、、、 what are you up what have you been up to the thief took the money from the old man by force.为什么不用power.strength.energy?The thief took the money from the old man by force.难道是固定用法?那force是什么? The man b------for money from passersby I took the old man by ( )handA.THE B.HIS C.HER D.A 零基础英语水平!想问北京新东方精英英语到底好吗?!自己在北京!时间很充裕啦!英语基础很差,可以完全说是零基础!想去精英英语!希望至少可以到底基本交流无障碍!不知道自己这样的基础适 英语口语班?北京的?哪个好呢?听说过新东方精英英语?请问如何? 英语一直都欠佳?想去北京的新东方怎么样? What ( )they?They ( )chick.( 用be,have,has填空) what __ they___(have)for lunch