
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:17:28
11 题 12题怎么做 已知函数f(x)=|x2-2x-3|的图像与直线y=a又且仅有3个交点,求a的值 要详解 get I at up in six the thirty morning连词成句 They often get up at six thirty in the morning.(同义句)They often get up at ______ ______ _____ six in the morning. at morning got Jim up six thirty this .(组成句子) 画出函数f(x)=2x-3/x-1的图像 he usually gets up at six thirty in the mornin.[用YESTERDAY MORNING改写句子 He gets home at 5:00 ,中的home 是什么成分?home 是个副词啊,那它是什么成分呢? he gets home _at ____five____ in the afternoon 对划线提问 He gets home at five in the afternoon 提问 what he get home in the afternoon 11. 已知|x|=4,|y|=2分之1,且xy小于0,求xy的值 __weekdays,she usually gets up at 6:45 in the morning.__weekdays,she   usually   gets   up   at 6:45 in   the   morning.(说明理由)A.in  B.at  C.on  D.with 请看下面的补充说明1+2 3 1+2² 2+2² 5 6 1+2³ 2+2³ 2²+2³ 9 10 12 请问第2009个数是多少,在第几行的第几个数? Jane usually gets up at six thirty in the morning.She takes the shower ()twenty to seven.Then she () breakfast at seven and after that she goes to school.She has () at twelve o’clock .She likes rice and vegetables () lunch.She thinks they are healt 看下面的问题:补充说明古代有句名言,是说坏事小不能去做,___________,干多变成大坏事;好事虽小,也不能因为它小就不做,——————,再大的好事都是从点滴开始的.第一空是——————— She usually gets up ( ) five in the morning.括号里填介词 求解完形填空Alice lives in the beautiful countryside.She usually gets up early in the morning.Alice lives in the beautiful countryside.She usually gets up early in the morning.She is never late 31 school.After getting up,she often showers and t 小丽在学习了"除零以外的任何数的零次幂的值为1"后,遇到这样一道题:"如果(a+1)^a-2=1,求a的值.她解出来的结果为a=2,老师说她考虑的问题不够全面, 第11和12题 第11和12题求答案!急 已知关于X的方程2KX+a分之3=2+X-bK分之6,无论K为何值,方程的解总是X=1,求a,b的值! 物理题,请看补充说明在透明塑料片下压着一张报纸,塑料片上有一水滴,透过水滴看到报纸上的字比旁边的字_______(填“大”或“小”),说明此时的水滴相当于一个____镜,它成的是______ 、_____ (见“问题补充说明”)有一台一调好的托盘天平,当在右盘中加入36.20g的砝码时,天平的指针向左偏1.0格,如果在右盘中再加100mg的砝码,天平指针则向右偏1.5格,则物体的质量是多少? 抛物线y=-(根号3)/3(x^2-2x-3)的图像交坐标轴于点A、B、C,过点C、O的⊙O'交AC于点D 连BD交⊙O'于点E(1)求BE BD的值(2)设AD=a 用a的代数式表示△BOD的面积S(3)若△BOE的面积是(根号3)/7 求cot∠EOC的值(均 at,morning,got,Jim,up,six,thirty,this(.)连词造句 线性代数如图这个特征方程怎么解出来的!?……求特征值有什么好方法吗? It/in/be/hot/will/haikou.get/i/at/up/six/morning/the/in 如何连词成句 线性代数问题求解答!如图矩阵如何求特征值 线性代数求特征值, 线性代数中求最大特征值(如图) 五年级植树的棵数比四年级的3倍多7棵,两个年级各种多少棵?