
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 07:30:15
Li Lei often walks to school.(改为同义句)Li Lei often ( )to school( )( ) It dakes me an hour to get to school by bus.(改为同义句)I ( ) an hour ( )to school by bus. night of fire歌词翻译成汉语 1.I drink _____ water when I am ill A.a plenty of B.any C.plenty of D.quite a few2.There are still ______teachers in the officeA.few B.a few C.little D.a little3.Have got _____for the picnicA.enough food B.many food C.some food D./4.How are you going Let sheeping dogs lie.的汉语意思 定语从句中whom可以作表语吗? 关系代词whom可不可以在定语从句中担任表语,可以的话就请造个句子 求翻译啊急用!there is plenty of opportunity for individuals to rise above or fall below the level to which their endowments and environment might direct them. let dleeping dogs lie翻译 看到这么一句话How can you let sleeping dogs lie,if you let the cat out of the bag.不要一个词一个词的翻译,这个我也会我想知道这句话具体表达什么含义 十七世纪四十年代发生在英国的重大政治事件的结果 Doing more e---- (锻炼) helps you to keep healthy.要写为什么~ not until then had i heard _______of what happened A.anything B.something 最低配置是多少? Sleeping Dogs什么时候出? something is __ me very much i can live __ at school or at home i have__food at home that at school空格中填什么词 The Republic of Letters是什么意思?那位农民伯伯能不能再说详细点?要中文的= 还有沙发那位,很显然,跟PR扯不上边。PS:这是本杂志 感谢几位的回答,但是都有偏差 They are not here .Ten to one they're in the classroom.What does 'ten to one' mean? I’m reading a letter________my friend.A.of B.for C.from D./应该选谁啊? The government spent a lot of money help make this land better,改正这句话的错误帮帮啊 I feel ____ after a ____ vacation “get adj.”变得怎样怎样可以改成“become adj.”吗?为什么? I.feel.() after.a.()vacation.A.terrible,I.feel.() after.a.()vacation.A.terrible,relaxing.B.happy,relaxes.C.interesting,relaxing.D.happy,relaxing never separated 2Too Never Separated是什么意思? Forever丶love Never丶separated 求NCBI简单教程,我是菜鸟新手,最好是一步一步讲解的那种 nouns+be+adj造句!. 宋徽宗《怪石诗》殊状难名各蔽亏,高低崒屼斗巍巍.直疑伏兽身将动,常恐长蛟势欲飞.峭裂几层苍桧啮 ,凝岚四接老松围.名封三品非无美,饮羽曾令壮奋威.其中的“名封三品非无美"含义是什么 列出我国行政区域单位? 哪个部门决定本省或者本市的行政区域划分?是本级政府还是上一级决定行政区域的划分吗? 我国的行政区域,与3个自治区相邻的省级行政单位是 are you zip是什么