
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 02:54:47
谁帮我检查一下这篇文章有没有语法错误 Next week,i have to go to school.this time i feel not very special,i used to feel very exciting when i can go to school,but i don't know why except this time.may be i will enter a new class.just 麻烦各位帮忙检查一下这篇托福作文的语法错误,When it comes to whether we should require young students to study art and music,the answers of many people may be negative.Because they believe that young children should be taught art 英语翻译 作文,我最向往的地方 以《我向往的那个地方》写一篇作文 急需作文--我最向往的地方!大概500字左右吧,不要过多,我的水平是小学六年级,用小学六年级的语言来写!如果没有分的话,给我一些启发也好啊,我认为写得最好的分追加! 我向往的地方巴塞罗那作文 我最向往的地方--韩国 作文 初三生物地理总复习怎样复习更好? 麻烦各位帮忙检查一下这篇文章的语法错误,Since the population is rising dramatically these days,many people start to believe that we have to exploit more land to satisfy various kinds of needs from our people,even when the exploitati 麻烦帮看一下我写的这篇作文有那些语法错误,我是新手,If I have 5 million RMB,what would i deal with it?If I have 5 million RMB,it is hard to say what I would do,Maybe I can change my life,At first,I would buy a big house for my f 麻烦帮我看一下这篇文章有什么语法错误,并改正谢谢!急用!A visit to Kunming Last holiday,I went to Kunming with my parents.I think Kunmjing is a good place to have fun. We took the car to Kunming.Kunming's streets were very cro 麻烦大家帮我看一下这篇文章有什么语法错误吗Look,I don't know where to start.When we first get together,I can't believe how good the things are going.It is too good to be true.My happiness,it is closer to me slowly.Whenever I think 如题,请问受精卵,胚胎干细胞,多能干细胞,单能干细胞的异同点? 何谓受精卵,胚胎干细胞,多能干细胞和单能干细胞?相互之间有何联系? I am an angel and the reason why I can not go back to heaven is the problem of my weight.大家来看下这句话有没有什么语法错误的地方 下面的程序语法错误是在什么地方?我理解的答案是d. 谁帮我看一下这篇英语演讲有没有语法错误或不妥的地方?Hello,everyone.Today i want to introduce an American drama to everyone.It names SHERLOCK Holmes.It was popular and famous in China.As we all known,Sherlock is the most famous 请将下面一段的语法错误找出来 As the saying goes,"Humanbeings are of the animals with delicate feelings ." No matter what kind of languages it is used in ads,we can be sure that excellent ads are of those highly appeal to people which ca 陈元方第二次答语的巧妙?急! 那个圆周运动中的周期一定 是说时时刻刻的角速度一定吗? 生于忧患,死于安乐中从反面论述国家也要经受磨难的句子是 一个物体做圆周运动,物体的角速度不断增大,物体所受向心力一定,当物体的角速度到达一定值的时候物体将做什么运动?为什么? 如果用F=mw2R来推导,F恒定,w越来越大,那么R就要变小,物体将做近 帮忙看一篇英语作文 不知道有没有语法错误的地方放帮忙修正Hello,I am Liu Wei.Now let me tell you something about my day.I go to school from Monday to Friday.So I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have breakfast at 6:45.T On May 12th 2008,an earthquake happened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchuan Sichuan province.It was so terrible that we couldn't describe it .Thousands of people were injured even died.And thousands of chi 生于忧患死于安乐全文是怎样论证逆境出人才的 1.一个底面是正方形的长方体,把他的侧面展开后,正好是一个8分米的正方形.愿来的长方体的体积是多少?2.一个长方体的高减少2厘米以后,成为一个正方体,那么表面积就减少48平方米,这个正方 英语翻译RT 形容减少吃穿等生活费用,生活艰苦的四字词语 求求求求求求求求求求求求求求! 如图,梯形ABCD,角ABC=90°,AD‖BC,AB=8cm,BC=18cm,CD=10,点P从点B开始沿BC边向终点C以每秒3cm移动,点Q从点D开始沿DA边向终点A以每秒2cm的速度移动,设运动时间为t秒,连结PQ.(1)求梯形ABCD的面积(2)在P 隆中对原文及译文 英语翻译麻烦疑难字后面标上拼音,因为很多字不会念.(主要是冲着拼音来的- -)