
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 11:03:01
I found ____ out by the tree. 是it还是 them 凸n边形的(n-1)个内角和为1327度,则另一个内角的度数 he put them in a secret place where I couldn’t find it.这句话句尾IT对不对 同义句They find that their parents don't know them as well as their friends do They find that their parents don't know them as well as their friends do.的同义句是什么?They find that their friends know them ___ ___ their parents do .在空格里填上答案 I think it is right.why do not you think so we do not think it is right ( to do so )请问括号里的作什么成分? I don't think it is good to do so.还是I don't think of it is good to do so. I think this thriller is very_____.So I do not like it 德语的“我不会忘记你”怎么拼 英语翻译这个春节我想回家看看.不过如果买不到车票,我还有另一个计划---逛博物馆.麻烦用alternative帮我翻译下, 怎么用德语说“我不会说德语”? 英语翻译in to 在其中做什么成分 It's an alternative to unemployment.翻译,谢谢 英语翻译 德语 我不会让你失望 怎么说 How to suggest an alternative翻译 谁会写以《时间都去哪了》为题的作文呀?求救. 记住自己——的时候为题的作文 They ___ ___ (考虑后决定) the zoo at last.[横线上填什么?] they ___ ___ ___ it at last他们以放弃而告终 如果时间可以回流为题目的作文200字不会写我不会写急求 以“假如时间可以倒流”为题,写一篇文章,450字以上 花季雨季 读后感 电影《花季雨季》的观后感 求《花季雨季》读后感 英语翻译内容:奂山山市,邑八景之一也,然数年恒不一见.孙公子禹年与同人饮楼上,忽见山头有孤塔耸起,高插青冥,相顾惊疑,念近中无此禅院.无何,见宫殿数十所,碧瓦飞甍,始悟为山市,未几,高 文言文翻译:《山市》 帮忙翻译文言文《山市》! 谁有古文《山市》的现代文(翻译) 山市文言文翻译为什么那时候的人把“山市”又称为“鬼市”?谢谢啊,急用啊 如何践行社会主义核心价值观