
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 14:11:22
老师要我们两天记住400左右的单词 怎么样能快速记单词?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 holy holy cow这句话是怎么来的?RT为啥不说holy dog,而要用牛? did,the national day is c(). wow .that w() be great. Je t'aime / Je t'adore 求翻译! that's right和that shouds great 有什么不同? 面对不择手段达成自己目的的人怎么办,如题.某人还为了达到自己的目的,而不择手段,都可以说是不要脸了.我一看见她就满肚子的气.该怎么面对这种人呢., 人为了达到目的再不损害他人利益的前提下,是不是应该不择手段? 人为什么为了利益可以不择手段? 为个人利益不择手段的例子 matlab如何将3转化为【0,0,1,0,0】 求解Matlab程序问题,下面程序的 if s1(i,1)>200; l=2; figure(2);for i=2:n;if s1(i,1)>200;l=2;for j=1:m;x1(j,1)=x(i-1,j);y1(j,1)=y(i-1,j);x2(j,1)=x(i,j);y2(j,1)=y(i,j);end; 怎样能快速记单词?大神们帮帮忙 一些很长的单词怎样记住啊? 我是个初二的男生 老是很难记住英语单词 in hte letter to the teacher,the lazy boy told a ( )that he was ill and( ) in bedA.lie,lay B.lay,laid C.lie,lied D.lay ,lain She told me ever since then she ____in that small town,enjoying a quiet life.为什么填had been living急求解释, I forget__Ken gave me that letter and told me not to make it lost. 对于一个为达目的,不择手段的人,你们是怎么看的? Je t'aime / Je t'adore 为什么有的人为了达到目的会不择手段,目的达到却很难过? 为什么现在的人那么自私呢?为什么可以为了达到目的不择手段呢? male-bashing是什么意思啊? Have you been up to anything resently? Have you been to the bank?开头是这个的一片英语励志短文,求翻译,词典靠边 Je t'aime,Je t'adore怎么念,用汉语直译过来. Out of one hundred runners,he finished the race in ___________ place填 ninety-ninth怎么翻译?out of 怎么翻译 Kate was in the 200-meter race.(改为同义句) If you were running a race,and you passed the person in the 2nd place.What place would you be in? Kate won the _____ race in the summer sports meeting.A 100-metre B100-metres C 100 metre 100 meter's 能帮我解释下为什么选A嘛? 谢谢 “能有这次机会真是太好了”用it's great that怎么说