
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:00:22
"more satisfactory than expected "中"expected "作什么语,和than之前的内容并列 求一次函数y=ax+b与x轴交点的横坐标,即是求一元一次方程_____的根; 求不等式ax+b>0的解集,就是求一次函求一次函数y=ax+b与x轴交点的横坐标,即是求一元一次方程_____的根;求不等式ax+b>0的解集 1) There is a new _ _ a _ _ bin behind the desk. There is a computer on the tencher’s desk.改成肯定句 分析:The small children don't know what is in their stockings.这句当时头脑一热我选对了……但是还是觉得很好奇,宾语从句的从句不是用陈述语序么,这句好像是疑问语序吧?为什么要把BE放前头呢? The small children don't know what is in their stockings为什么说后面的宾语从句为陈述语句? The small children don't knowwhat is in their stockings请帮我注明句子成分 如果一次二项式减去X的二次减去2X减去1的差所得的多项式中不含一次项,那么这个一次二次项可以是_______ 若f(x)=a的x次方/(a的x次方+根号a),a是大于零的常数,求f(1/2007)+f(2/2007)+…+f(2006/2007)的值 若不等式x-m≤0的正整数解是1,2,3,则m的取值范围是______ 如果a是x²-3x+1=0的根,试求(2a^2-5a^4+2a^3-8a^2)/(a²+1) 根号2007+根号2005与2根号2006比较大小 比较大小,根号2005-根号2006与根号2006-根号2007 如果关于x的不等式m-x<0负整数解为-1,-2,-3则m的取值范围? 已知(a-1)x^/a+1/-2ax-1=0是关于x的一元二次方程,求a^-2的值 The question is ()more difficult than that oneA\rather B\quite C、veryD\a little我选B的但很多人选D请大家帮帮忙 this question more difficult than that one同义句This question more difficult than that one.That question is (_) (_) than this one. 102=8a+8a^2+8a^3+8/a^4+108a^5怎么解102=8a+8a^2+8a^3+8a^4+108a^5怎么解,上面的问题打错了 六年级上册科学寒假作业23页有一座桥,因年久失修,承重量不能超过3吨.有一辆汽车满载着3.5吨的铁链,再加上汽车本身的重量就大大超过了3吨.你能想个办法让这两册安全过桥吗?你能想个办法 有哪些是酸性物质?有哪些是碱性物质?有哪些是中性物质?有哪些是中性物质? I am having a good time in the park (改为同义句) --Tom had a good time at the party.如果回答‘so has he’是否正确? Tom regretted——good use of his spare time.A.not to have made B.not having made He isn't good at maths.I think.合并成一句话I_____ ______He ______ good at maths. Tom is not good at maths.He ____________ study it hard. 用“they,are,on.the,dresser”连词造句 Most computer games are -----English.A.For B.in C.with D.by 并请说明理由 Think of a good way to study,Tom._______ _______ _______a good way to study,Tom.( 同义句转换) 写一篇关于Computer Games on Canpus的英语作文 sad 造句英语 如果点A(x1,y1)和点B(x2,y2)是直线y=kx-b上的两点,切当x1 函数y=kx+b的图像过电(x1,y1)(x2,y2)且k>0,b