
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:12:43
JQuery中的siblings()是什么意思curr.siblings()有参数的我能找到意思,可我现在看到一个案例,和上面一样,没有参数,我瞬间凌乱了 Have you _____ learned English?-Yes,I’ve _ ___ learned a lot.A.never,ever B.ever,never C.ever,already D.already,ever ( ) fish and chips前用is还是are It ( )fish ang chips.1.does 2.is 3.are选择填空 fish and chips is ____ with salt and malt vinegar应该填 covered 被盐和麦芽醋覆盖 不能填filled 那不就成了被它们充满了! It is kind of you ( ) help me .这是一道新2的英语题,空里该填什么?急用! I have learned English__ threeyears.A.as longer as B.as long as C.so long asWhy? The people are waiting for the teacher 后加coming还是to come? It was ____to see so many people___in the hall,waiting for Yang Liwei to come.A.surprised,seated B.surprising,seatedC.surprising,seating D.surprised,seating要给详细点的理由,应该选B.说下理由 文言文《韩非子 喻老》的解释最好有字意的解释 英语翻译宋之鄙人得璞玉而献之子罕,子罕不受.鄙人曰:“此宝也,宜为君子器,不宜为细人用.”子罕曰:“尔以玉为宝,我以不受子玉为宝.” 英语翻译中文的,尽量详细点儿 they have got sone onions,对some部分提问 阅读训练————文言文《韩非子》晋文公与群臣饮,饮酣,乃喟然叹曰:“莫乐为人君!为其言莫之违.”师旷侍坐于前,援琴撞之.公披衽而避,琴坏于壁.公曰:“太师撞谁?”公曰:“寡人也.” man can't live without water.为什么不用a man the earthquake and the damage it did to the people is more than frightening中为什么用is主语不是有2个么?那么怎么还用单数 it was reported that more than 200,000people lost their lives in the earthquake It’s reported that more than 2,000 people ____ or ______ in Friday's earthquake and tsunami (海啸)iIt’s reported that more than 2,000 people ____ or ______ in Friday's earthquake and tsunami (海啸)in Japan.第二个空能不能填missed?必 英语翻译朋友过生日了,想给她全世界的祝福.用各种语言写的“生日快乐”.种类越多越好. last year ,we learned three English songs A alone B lonely C by themselves 初次见面时用英语怎么说?A How are you.b Nice to meet you.c What is your name? What's your name 可不可以把your 换成youWhat's your name your是你的意思.这句话翻译:你叫什么名字?还是:你的名字叫什么?要说你叫什么名字?是不是翻译What's you name 中秋节习俗作文 不写事,介绍习俗和生活习惯 英语的主语可以是一句话吗?一般什么词和句子可以做主语,有什么特殊要求吗?帮我举个例子谢谢There remains the dinner-party game of who's in,who's out.的主语是什么? 谁有关于“糖”的英文名字?我想取个和“糖”字有关的英文名,谁有? 阿尔卑斯糖的英文名称 阿尔卑斯糖的英文名字是? 短文改错When sun shines on the earth,it make1——the earth to hot .Then the earth makes the air2——hot.When the aie becomes hot,it too becomes3———light.The light air goes down.The cool air comes4——in to take a place of the hot air. a:tomorrow is sturday.what are you going to do?b:i am going to some books to the library and some books in the bookshop.Jim going to some flowers for his mother.a:where you going to lunch?b:i going to lunch at kfc.jenny likes swimming very much.she g What about going to the library?例句中about的意思是(),后面跟(),因为() 你们几点到达图书馆?What time are you going to ____ at the library?你们几点到达图书馆?What time are you going to ____ at the library?我怕坐飞机.I'm afraid of ____ a plane.他在学习英语方面花了大量的时间.He _____ a after then和since then的区别RT