
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:14:16
在美国他们怎么样区分鳗鱼鳝鱼?英文都是eel……万一找别人要鳝鱼人家给你了鳗鱼,或者反过来给了……怎么办啊?…… 舞组词有哪些 舞怎么组词 they no other way to enjoy themselves better怎么翻译 she never agree / you ,did she?a:with b:to ; c :in ; d :at ; 5个慈善小故事 组词( )空( )舞 感动我的慈善故事就现在 ( )舞( )翔.在空里填字组词在空里填字组成词 舞、尽、望组词 谁知道1.I find his door closed.closed是过去分词做宾语补足语吗?可是我还看到 怎么给导师写信 keep sth adj中keep词性 有关坚强的好词 I took it for granted that it was perfect是什么意思 I just took it for granted that they'd always be around啥意思? 小学生如何给老师写信 写一件关于家庭的小事,模仿六年级上第四课《散步》写一篇600字的作文,要有景物描写.要揭示中心. 以《散步》为题目写一篇作文,500字 舞可以组什么词 keep on 后加什么词性 keep后接代词什么词性? 用所给单词编成一段符合逻辑的简短对话:how you fine thankshow you fine thanks OK what this in English ruler color white语句通顺、语意连贯对话要包括以上所有单词以上单词可重复使用,并可适当加词不少 补全对话:fine什么you how are you? 英语翻译是注册课程时遇到的一句话,谁能帮忙翻译出来呢~These are the holds on your record.Some menu items may not be accessible to you if you have a hold on your record.A hold type that holds Registration will not allow you to r “据报道,那条铁路曾因而停止修建”帮我翻译成英语、要带hold up! Please leave me alone.I’m so sick of your voice. 以《游泳》为题的作文600字求求哥哥姐姐,说下!跪求! 英语翻译A person who knows the true love falls in love with someone in one sight.请各位帮忙提供这句名言的中文意思? keep fit 还有“纤体”、“塑身”、“美体”、“健美”这些词改怎么翻译? 英语翻译These parallel,highly unusual increases in prices when direct costs hadsubstantially decreased,enforced by MFNs,were similar to Defendants' causing,as alleged in the joint ventures,via MFNs and other means,toincrease the prices of Interne 一首英文乡村歌曲 good morning Memory 的歌词