
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:06:10
study on our own中,on和own怎么解释?整个短语如何理解? leave sb on ones own on ones 这道题怎么攸?对画线部分提问. 给画线部分提问He wants to have some bread. 【 have some bread 】画线【 】 【 】he【 】to do? 请问小学语文课教案该怎么写? 有点急,十分感受大伙了 PUK,英文全称是什麼?P 代表?U?K? 说下小学语文课教案该怎么写? 有点急,十分感受大伙了需4 Kate,you are w____ to our home to have beinner 英语翻译I didn't hear the phone ring.l was fast asleep.I had so many problems on my mind.I lay in bed wide awake all night.Sometimes when I wathc TV,I doze off for afew minutes.The meeting was so long and boring that I almost dozed off.I often do 英语翻译还要好看点的 谁能翻译一下歌曲waiting for you里的英文? 九年级英语关系词填空 英语九年级关系词填空 九年级英语选择正确单词填空during ,appointment,anxious,might,too much,symphony,crucual1.The prisoners_____to eacape,but failed.2.I have a datal ____at 3p.m.3.There are extra trains to tje seaside___summer.4.I'm very _____about my son's he 南瓜的力量阅读答案 概括每个自然段的意思! 1.将每个自然段主要内容非别用四字词语概括 2.排比句表示了战士们-------.一个初冬的夜晚,解放军某部机枪连奉命追击一股溃逃的敌人,眼看快要追上敌人了,却被一条河挡住了去路.这条河有 Why didn't you answer the telephone last night?I did't hear the phone .I ___A:must be asleepB;must have been asleepA为什么不选啊 why didn't you answer my phone call?well,i must____,so  i  didn't  hear  it.A.have  been  sleep   B.have  be  sleeping  C.have  been  sleeping2.would  you____my 海滨的夏夜阅读答案 “晚来的晚风,清新而又凉爽”将这一句话改成比喻句. 从飞机上看长江,它绵长曲折,洁白闪亮.(把这句句子改成比喻句) they prefer staying at home to home to the cinema on sundays(同义句)they prefer __ __at home __ __ go to the cinema on sunday I prefer staying at home to going to the theatre.为什么要用to going to,不用to go to at to the prefer i going cinema home staying to 组句 和喜气洋洋格式一样的近义词 he must keep his mind fresh by setting aside some time for exercises.这句话里的by做什么解释,整句话怎么解释最通顺. 英语翻译setting aside time for assignments不理会时间为了安排? setting money aside plays a pivotal of endowment systemsetting money aside plays a pivotal role in the endowment systemsetting money aside , She highly considered setting aside three other dresses,but thought better of it. Wrong Setting.Please check billing setting翻译成中文是什么意思 99.I shall very _____ be at home today.A.likely B.possibly C.perhaps D.probably请区分一下这四个词的用法 可以给我发份六级作文和词汇吗?