
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:04:02
原始人为什么在森林里成都反而歌 左丘明是谁?字什么?号什么?是什么家? 关于左丘明克服困难的故事左丘明失明,但依然著有《国语》 左丘明字什么号什么? Five and two -----seven横线上应该是am,is,还是are?seven算是复数么? "Two and five are seven"错在哪里? How old are they?Tom________ Jack________ Nancy________ Helen________Tom,Jack,Nancy and Helen are brothers and sisters.One of them is eighteen,one of them is fifteen,ong of the boy is sixteen,and ong of the girls is seventeen.And Tom is older than Na stand 的所有词义、常用短语请不要随便拿一本不是很全面的字典抄过来,浪费大家的时间. 原始人把的野兽生吞活剥,连毛带血地吃了.可以用------成语形容 这个短语怎么解释?stand looking 原始人把打来的野兽生吞活剥,连毛带血的吃了,用一个成语来形容成语! ________(remember)all the words in such a short time is difficult for him 有哪些描写原始人生活的成语?如:茹毛饮血、刀耕火种、钻木取火 原始人的生活可以用什么成语表示 She looked unusually cheerful the whole morning.She ________A.has granted B.had granted C.had been granted D.was granted english problem.come inin ancient times 为什么 "time" 后要加 "s" science problems in EnglishDoing science is most likea.solving a mystery.b.following a recipe.c.reading a scientific jourNal.分析+answer in Chinese,please I've discovered (that) i possess a large number of different talents and skills that [i never wouldif it had not been for my being open to trying new opportunities.将这句换种说法,要求意思不变,把it换成I的形式 重提一个难句:I've discovered I possess a large number of different talents and skills that I neve重提一个难句,09年全国2卷完形填空:I've discovered I possess a large number of different talents and skills that I never would have 找出打括号部分发音不同的单词1.A.kit(es) B.wha(t's) C.rea(ds)2.A.m(a)gazine B.(ar)tist C.tr(a)ffic3.A.nor(th) B.(th)in C.(th)en4.A.s(ee)d B.l(e)ft C.w(e)st 5.A.h(a)ve B.g(a)me C.pl(a)ne D.n(a)me6.A.t(oo) B.f(oo)t C.f(oo)d D.s(oo)n7.A.s(u gross profit to sales of 33.3% equals a mark up on cost of 50%这句话为什么 强调句是倒装句吗请问,强调句是不是倒装句来的,例如 It's he who come in.is 和 he 是不是倒换位置了,这是不是就是倒装啦请问,我举的这个是不是倒装句? 找出括号内单词发音不同的一个1.A.t(ea) B.s(ea)t C.j(ea)ns D.h(ea)d 2.A.br(ow)n B.cr(ow) C.sn(ow) D.n(ow)3.A.doct(or) B.h(or)se C.f(or)k D.sh(or)t4.A.(wh)at B.(wh)ose C.(wh)ere D.(wh)ite5.A.farm(er) B.binn(er) C.h(er) D.teach(er) on sale什么意思啊 海豚的说明文50字! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 关于“桥”的说明文 急需 拜托! 看不懂的两个短语1.My faculty enures for life这个短语出现在一份文件最后,紧贴在签名的下方,2.The Directors’ Minutes Conclusion 看不懂一个短语自学的时候看到一个短语험한 고개고개好像是指头哦~搞不清楚是啥意思,麻烦各位指教指教 英语翻译announcebe content withwillingarrange forhavue access tofairnesslive throughcome to lifesumarizerely onswearurgeachieveput forwardin harmony within honor ofimmediatewipe out 有个英语词组看不懂,我在填写一份求职申请表时,在教育经历处看到Qualification Obtained,请问要填写什么内容?假如我拿到了数据库系统工程师(中级证书),可以用填上去吗?怎样用英语表达 这道题怎么写,要看图写短语,我实在看不懂 单词组句 Good,is mark,friend,my