
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 14:14:57
shebough many books yesterday,______many werewritten in englishA.of whichB.which为什么要加of,这句不是非限制定语从句吗?那么恢复原句是什么? 问:shebough many books yesterday,______many werewritten in englishA.of whichB.which为什么要加of,这句不是非限制定语从句吗?那么恢复原句是什么? the prices reduce from 10% off the original prices.这句话有错误的地方吗 I think it’s for this many Chinese suppliers understand the situation to reduce the prices and accept this term payment. The rising of prices will __off demands for pay increases.选什么,大神,求详解A.trail B switch C. trigger D nudge 义乌李阳疯狂英语每日分享:We’d like to reduce the original offer slightly as a compromise.意思是:我们稍降原始报价,以示让步。 I miss you already为什么miss不用过去分词 人们常说天空快下雨的时候蜻蜓总是会出来,那下大雨了,蜻蜓会避去哪?3Q 2011年祖国发生了什么变化?2010年开封发生的日新月异的变化?2011年龙亭区发生的显著变化?请尽快回答! more than / other than / rahter than 填空We are much ( )happy to hear of the success of teamThere was nothing we could do ( )waitThe job will take months ( )weeks.It is no easy at all whoever comes will be welcome 在这里welcome是什么意思 You were back already是什么意思 you will be welcome again 什么意思 plant house 是植物园还是花舍之类的啊谢谢各位了 《风筝》的主要内容,及思想感情 被人骂时有什么利于反驳的语句,要文明 被人骂像女人该怎么反驳呢 雨前蜻蜓为什么会低飞 风筝平面AB与地面夹角为53度,风筝质量为300g,求风对风筝的作用力的大小. Can you ___(get) your new picture books here?Tom andJim w____ TV every day.Qur scool has three c___,sports,music and computer. 辩方位:儿童散学归来早,忙趁()风放纸鸢.在空中填上方位词. You make mistakes if you do thing in a hurry中文是什么意思? the students in Classs 9,Grade 7 ____________ (have a music lesson) every Monday. Bill bought a new pen.Mike bought a new one,too (改为同义句) Bill bought a new pen.______ ______ They have not bought a new one because they like the old one.对because号面提问正确的句子是 文化研究会如何成立?都需要哪些章程和方式? I bought a coat because it is i____.根据句意及首字母提示,完成所缺的单词 成立世界范围的研究会需要什么手续 世上有几颗星星 如何学会建立物理模型? They don't have sweaters in g___ and white. 坐井观天说明了什么道理