
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:17:59
there is in a passport his luggage.对画线部分提问怎么改a passport 画线部分. i have known him____he was a boy of eight years old为什么不能用when 向量a=(cos3/2x,sin3/2x),b=(cos1/2x,-sin1/2x) x属于[-1/3π,1/4π] 求|a+b| 先求a+b ,再求膜的话我会,但是如果我直接平方呢|a+b|=根号下a^2+b^2+2a*b这么求完的话 ,答案是根号下2+2cos2x+sin3x-sinx答案是根号下2+2cos2 π/2<2x+π/3<2π/3 如何变成 ?<sin(2x+π/3)<? 鲁迅关于老师的名言警句 做作业时手机有什么用呢,别跟我说听音乐 “知之为知之,不知为不知”体现了什么哲学道理 小蘑菇 there are looking for work__________ and still havent got anything doing to do do donethere are looking for work__________ and still havent got anythingAdoing B to do Cdo D done 请帮我翻译三句话,急,谢谢!要人工翻译,不要在线翻译的.The star-hungry TV companies are only two eager to employ anyone in Showbiz(Show Bussiness) who can slightly boost viewing audience statistics. Poor English on information boar 英语翻译the speakers are going to disneyland.seeing donald duckthe man knows donald duck isn't a real duck we should use enviornmentally friendly things用英语解释句子,最好说说为什么要这样改 Are you gomg to build morden houses there?中的gomg是什么意思 七年级上册期末试卷(山东省临沂市兰山区) hullo和hello有什么区别? 大丈夫要么留芳百世,要么遗臭万年.英文怎么说 Hallo、Hello和Hollo有什么区别? 汉译英 到达伦敦以后,他发现几乎听不懂别人在谈论什么翻译下面句子成英语,不许用翻译器.1 到达伦敦以后,他发现几乎听不懂别人在谈论什么.2 如果恶劣天气持续的话,将会出现更严重的交 请把下列格言补充完整滴水能把石穿透_________________________________-虚心万事能成------------------------------不经一番寒彻骨------------------------- 把下列谚语补充完整!1.一年之计在于春,( )2.东练三九,( )3.一寸光阴一寸金,)4.水不流会发臭,( )5.水换来丰收,( )6.只是比财富更可贵,( ) 首字母填空 英文 He left the school and opened a book shop in the c____of the town. 把下列谚语补充完整1、要练惊人艺,____________2、若要戏路通,____________3、____________,4、____________,小小胡琴拉断腰5、虚心的人____________,骄傲的人____________6、冬天麦盖____________,来年____________ 英语翻译(1/2)It was here at Namche that one man broke rank and leaned north,slowly and arduously climbing the steep walls of the natural amphitheater behind the scatt(2/2)er of stone huts,then past Kunde and Khumjong. 英语翻译The two videos show Earth observed at different light wavelengths,which is why differences in details are visible.The first version uses a red-green-blue filter; the second,an infrared-green-blue.Videos credit:Donald J.Lindler,Sigma Space 英语翻译sup mrs.militarydo u want the finger print? 英语翻译so instead of getting upset tell me how to fix it.i already got the email from ebay yesterday that asked if i would like to revise your feedback that i left.i said yes and changed everything to a 5 and said i was not satisfied with my pur 多句中译英,分不多,连自己都看不懂地不要1、 the beginning of the all out submarine war,We're all holeing our breaths and hoping that with this radical medicine,we will finally cure England of her arrogance and secure a quick peace th 英语翻译Vanessa Fong is interested in how the experiences of a partly transnational cohort of Chinese only-children and their families shed light on theories of education,gender,transnational migration,and demographic,medical,linguistic,and psych 先帝创业未半而中道崩殂.崩殂的本义引申义.益州疲弊.疲敝的本义引申义 Black shirt are only 15dollars中的are是否是动词 先帝创业未半而中道崩殂的而是什么意思 出师表的开头写"先帝创业未半而中道崩殂"的目的是什么?分析蜀汉形势用意何在?