
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 19:06:37
be able to 与 can的区别:为什么不能说:All the people could escape from the big fire in time.只能说:All the people were able to escape from the fire in time. English,Chinese,boy,not,kung fu,can,do,this 连词成句 英语论述题:Some Chinese parents are panic-stricken (惊慌失措) because they realSome Chinese parents are panic-stricken (惊慌失措) because they realize it's a tough world out there,full of competitions.For fear that their kids would be 姚字去掉女子旁读什么字 姚字的女去掉再加上三点水是什么字? pride and prejudice的英文简介 关于pride and prejudiceHowever little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood,this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families that he is considered as the rightful property of some 左边一个“目”右边一个“姚”去掉女字旁念什么? 一个字\去掉左边一半是个日字\去掉右边是个日字\去掉上边是个日字\去掉下边还是个日字\请问这是个什么字\这是小儿科 不会没办法 pride and prejudice写作特点和文章的主题另外再帮着小弟查查jane eyre和tess of d'urbervilles写作特点和文章的主题 pride and prejudice是什么意思急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .I want happiness,Be you give a care.反义为中文 竹子头下面一个卑字,念什么 竹子头下面一个代字念什么字典 i want happiness是什么意思 竹子头下面一个更念什么? 竹子头下面一个当念什么 求这篇议论文 子路去帮了别人收了别人的一头牛子贡去拯救别人没收别人的礼物然后孔子表扬了自路骂了子贡,这个材料可以得出什么论点啊,本来我想说就是孔子很虚伪装逼帮人一定要收礼物然后再说孔 hell with my pride there is no possibility that Mary can win the first prize in the match!为什么第一个词不能It 为什么不可以?为什么不可以,一楼的不清楚啊 can i give you happiness whicih you want? You want happiness too extravagant, sorry I can not give是什么意思 父母的唠叨 作文 成长的烦恼作文(是写父母唠叨的) be pride be proud of=be pride with上面的with乱写的,be proud of=be pride 造两个句子the boy was so excited that···· love me,love my 为什么? love me,love my dog.想学英语. 英语翻译似乎和男人这个解释没什么关联诶。 请问一个句子可以出现2个以上的and吗.例如He has long hair and wearing black shirt and black jeansand white shoes.因为描述的是照片,介绍某个人,所以一次说这么长。 a little prize语法上是否正确?prize好像就是解释为奖品或奖金