
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 22:27:41
教下,不麻烦的话,可以说下过程1.一个三位小数,用四舍五入法精确到百分位约3.00,这个三位数小数最小是( ),最大是( )2.等腰三角形的一个内角是50度,另外两个内角可能是( )和( ),也 能教我这几道数学题不?第一道:有三段粗细均匀且直径相同的钢筋,长度分别是a cm,b cm,c cm,恰好可以围成一个三角形,其质量分别是20kg,30kg,P kg,求P的取值范围.(钢筋质量与长度成正比)另一道 discovered、invented是什么意思 Jeet Kune Do is a type of kung fu,which was_____bu Bruce Lee A.invented B.found C.discoveredD.made要有解析谢谢 do you know who____ the Americas in 1492?A.invited B.found C.saw D.discovered Long,long ago,they( )the island. A.invented B.remained C.produced D.discovered They have invented a new (type) of washing machine.They have invented a new () of washing machine.选项: a、a. type b、 b. indicate c、 c. original d、 d. proceed The washing machine___by the engineer right nowA.repaired B.is being repaired C.is repaired D.is going to be repaired 下列能构成集合的是?A 世界著名的数学家B在数轴上与原点非常相近的点C所有的等腰三角形D全年级成绩优秀的同学 高一数学根号二的所有近似值为什么不能构成集合 书上说:集合中元素的排列是没有顺序的.那如果出现元素排列是有顺序的能不能构成集合 说一共有33根旗杆,两个人一起扒,每次每人可以拔1到4根,就是最多4根,最少一根,不能不拔,如果第一个拔得人想要拔到最后一根旗杆,他第一次需要拔几根旗杆?需要详细说明为什么,我也觉得是 连词成句,可以适当加几个单词,注意单词形式1.he have write should earlier letter2.I tomorrow have hair will cut my3.my most on father time his work spend of4.please such avoid make next mistakes time5.mind would his you come with us 用所给的单词和适当的动词形式连词成句.1.she,at,wake up,7 a.m.,usually(.)2.at 6:45,he,wash one's face,every day,brush one's teeth,and(.)3.once a week,play basketball,they,together(.)4.by bus,go to school,I,sometimes(.)5.do,how often,s 英语who was it invented by 用who 还是whom?用who 还是whom? 问下who was the car invented by?与who were the cars invented by?哪个正确,为什么?the car指的是不是汽车总称? who it was invented by?这句话是错的 怎么改 为什么啊改为陈述 It was invented by who。似乎正确啊为什么was在it之前而已。 “( )were electric slippers invented 请选择 A WHO B WHOM C OF WHOM D BY WHOM the British Museum怎么读?请不要用音标用汉语或拼音就行 british怎么读不要给音标 看不懂 British 怎么读 British 怎么读?求谐音 British的音标 蒋介石贡献大,还是毛泽~东主席贡献大⊙? The bicycle was invented in the 1880sicycle was invented____.A.in 1880s B.in1880’s C.in the 1880s D.on the 1880s为和C 正确,而不是A when was invented the bicycle 为什么改成when was the bicycle invented It is said that the bicycle was invented ---- A.in 1880s B in 1880's C in the 1880s D On the 1880s who invented the bicycle?怎么改为被动语态? 一筐苹果有84个,要平均分成若干堆,不准有剩余,有多少种分法?其中分奇数堆有几种? You drink a lot of tea.怎样改成否定句? you should drink a lot of hot tea.(改为否定句) you____ ____a lot of hot tea. 我可以说have a drink of Mother wants______________.A to have a drink of tea B to go home C a bread D a water