
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 19:38:27
哪位哥哥姐姐考过catti三级笔译,请问带那本字典最实用呢? catti 三级笔译 辞典怎么准备? 请问CATTI笔译三级应该看哪些书呢 CATTI三级笔译字典CATTI 三级笔译可以带英汉,汉英两部词典,有没有考过的同学可以推荐哪些词典比较好啊? 英语翻译.化妆品广告语 “自然亲近你”和“自然生爱”。自然:指“自然而然 不由自主”的意思,亦含“纯天然 绿色”之意。求英语翻译,希译出意境!. I have some books 变成一般疑问句 i have some comic books.变成否定句 英语翻译The unit operations are as applicable to many physical processes as to chemical ones.Forexample,the process used to manufacture common salt consists of the following sequence of the unit operations:transportation of solids and liquids,tra 英语翻译Thereforedissociative adsorptionof hydrogen is reduced,and hence the chance to have directsynthesis.19,28,31-33 Hydrogen is more likely to react with theoxygen present on the Pd2+ surface than with the inner part ofthe Pd cluster,with the catti英语3级是什么 小明家离学校8.64千米,往返一次需1.2小时,小明平均每小时行多少千米? How many books do you have? 英语翻译Polarimetry.When the optical activity of a mixture changes in the course of reaction ,it can be monitored by measuring the angle of optical rotation.This is a historically important method because its application to the hydrolysis of sucr How.many books do you have?回答:选择:1.Fourteen 2.forteen 3.Fourty 4.fourten how many books have you got的意思 英语翻译以乐入酒也渐成一种风俗习惯流传下来.西方上层社会的酒会,烛光闪闪,灯光迷离,营造着一种梦幻般的氛围.这时最不可少的就是音乐.于是西方音乐史上才流传下如此多的室内乐、圆 many,you,English,how,do,books,have用上面的单词连成一句话,并翻译 How many books do you have? catti三级口译听去年考过的人说,现在三级口译比03到05念得难很多,听力速度比VOA常速还快,是真的假的,还有谁能分享一下怎么在听英译汉时做笔记.感觉很难啊 从学校到书城,小明走了30分钟,小强比小明慢了5分钟,小明和小强平均速度的比是?比值是? 小明和小强放学后在学校门口向相反方向行走,小明每分钟走70米小强每分钟走 60米5分钟后相距多少 Do you have some new books?错在哪 Do you have some new books?找出错误 do you have some new books修改病句 都来看看do you have some new books?是错句么?,如果是的话那么错在哪儿? 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 Do you have ___(some)new note-books?Don't taik with __(other)in class. 英语翻译 英语翻译聚酯油毡基布地板革基布怎么翻译成英文还有土工布无纺布 英语翻译The feed injector assembly is inserted downward through a top inlet port of a gasifier,for example as shown in U.S.Pat.No.3,544,291.the feed injector extends along the central longitudinal axis of the gasifier with the downstream end disc Do you have some fruit?和Do you have any fruit?哪一句是正确的为什么? 某工人每天早晨以每天早晨在同一时刻骑自行车去工厂,如果以每小时16Km的速度行驶,那么可在工厂上班时刻前15min到达工厂,如果以每小时9.6Km的速度行驶,那么在工厂上班时刻后15min到达工厂. Do you have any hobbies?—______________________.