
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:08:51
.急1.My uncle is washing his clothes.His clothes___ ___ ___.2.Everyone likes this song.This song___ ___by everyone.3.He will give us a lecture this afternoon.A lecture___ ___ ___ ___us by him this afternoon.4.We have cleaned the room.The room___ ___ Because now the children start to learn English at an early age. 我明白这个句子意思是什么,但为什么要这么写?foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age如题,为什么是 in the child at an early age,不是forster the children's creative spirit at early age,就是in the .. 请教一句话中翻英,只有强大的品牌才能持久,重视品牌使得广告主能够从长远和全局的观点来审视每一个营销计划和广告计划. 请教中翻英,一句话,同时,把投放和选择广告的权力交还给广告商和消费者,提升了广告主传播信息和消费者接收信息的低成本性、便利性和时效性. 求一句话的中翻英 我们将我公司与贵公司的业务做有关调整,从即日起,同您公司的所有业务转到我公司的另外一个公司,费用结算标准不变,联系电话以及地址不变. 请教一句话的中翻英,既是文化本身存在差异,就应考虑在全球化的趋势的影响下,如何保持本民族鲜明的特色,运用中国传统文化的精粹,即以国际化的外壳加本土化的内核来创作广告作品,走出 当你成为月球移民中的一员月球基地会是什么样子的呢? in an early age/in early age/这两种用法对吗?正宗的英语表达是什么?是用IN还是AT? license fee 与 roylty fee 的区别 royalty-fee,fee-bearing license ,royalty-bearing license,几个词意思有什么区别? Copyright 与 License什么区别?还有OA necessary的反义词 对与错的英文怎么拼写 你的电话接通没?用英语怎么说? do u think it is the 'author' or is it the 'reader' who gives the meaning of the 'text'?do u agreethe 'author' or the ' reader' are stable identities that go beyond the act of reading or writing,or do u think they 'die' once the act of reading or wri c5-03的wifi是什么意思? 2003上半年 和2004下半年怎么说 从美不胜收、精兵简政、鱼贯而入、见微知著、饶有兴趣、无缘无故中挑选两个分别造句. 应接不暇 座无虚席 精兵简政 百炼成钢 积劳成急 鱼贯而入中有没有错别字 帮变一下被动语态6. Parents and teachers should allow teenagers to choose their own clothes. _______________________________________________________ 7. What do people use mobile phones for? _____________________________________________________ 公历年份是整百数的都是瑞年这句话对不对? 无缘无故,肃然起敬,鱼贯而入.哪2个词语中有2个字是近义词.:精兵简政中“精”和“简”是近义词. 鱼贯而入的近义词反义词也要 精兵简政的近义词是什么? 哄堂大笑的近义词好一点的,对了还有蜂拥而至的近义词~ 精兵简政的近义词和反义词《为人民服务》这篇课文里的“精兵简政”的近义词和反义词,我为什么怎么总感到“精打细算”和“节衣缩食”好像与“精兵简政”中的“兵”和“政”,不相对 Her() were there.(child)用适当的形式填空 请问这道判断题怎样判断 变被动语态1.Someone stole my money the day before yesterday.2.The police have already arrested the their.3.That designer will design a new bridge in two year’s time.4.The mechanic is repairing my broken car.5.He often refuses my offer.6.He tol The Way We Used to Be 歌词 where do you come from?可不可以用be from来回答也就是说where do you come from?是否可以用I am from-------.