
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 02:10:30
555÷4=? 五年级上册数学趣味题 ___ is the capital city of America?空格里是填what还是where? 函数f(x)=Inx+ax存在与直线2x-y=0平行的切线,则实数a的取值范围是 英语翻译原句:ALcan AC Strip is supplied in layer wound colis suitable for flexible cable armouring and for flexible conduit. 什么是钢铁产能 点P(1.a)在反比例函数y=k/x的图象上,它关于y轴的对称点在一次函数y=2x+4的图象上,求此反比例函数的解析式. (where)is the capital of American为什么不能填where 要填what顺便讲一下这两个的区别与用法? 有一个数除以 2 3 4 5 6 余数都为1除以7,没有余数则这个数字是多少呢?(最小) Prime hot rolled steel 请问PQF管轧机的PQF(prime quality finishing)是什么意思? 化简:3-圆周率的绝对值是? 写作中所有的修辞手法及相关解释? 语文写作一共有哪几种修辞手法? 写作手法都有哪些?还有修辞手法? 作文中的修辞手法有哪些 -we don't know______-it is said that she is a detectiveAwhat she is Bwhat is she like Cwhere she is from Dhow she is 布莱克一家人将去海南度假 (翻译成英文) the_________ ________ ____________ _________in Hainan 回答几个英语问题,1.What is GNP per capital?How is it calculated?2.Why would one prefer to live in a country to with a high GDP per capita?3.What do countries with high GDP or GNP per capita have in common? 已知公式,求公式推导.在扇形统计图圆心角怎么算?为什么有360度乘百分比的公式.例如:占总数的百分之几,总数就是360度吗?也就是单位一就是360度吗? 已知函数f(x)=x²-2ax+1,g(x)=a/x,其中a>0,x≠0(1).对任意x∈[1,2],都有f(x)>g(x)恒成立,求实数a的取值范围(2).对任意x1∈[1,2],x2∈[2,4],都有f(x1)>g(x2)恒成立,求实数a的取值范 高中数学关于不等式恒成立这块的知识? he said that was where he was born too间接引语he did ask the concert hall manager if we could have some at the cheaper price.这句也改下。 扇形统计图知道一个数的百分比和人数,怎么求总人数,和其它人数如果知道合格的 百分数 30%人数360人怎么求合计,怎么求不合格的,不合格的百分比 5合格的人数和百分比怎么求 x^2-3/2x=0怎么解 The day you were born is I___like to know where you were born.A.shall B.should C.do D.might为什么选B? be made out of/be made of/be made from区别 be make of ,be make out of,be make from三个到底有什么区别太囧了~就是分不清楚~我知道,差异是看的到原材料和看不到原材料的区别,可是到底是哪两个的差异呢?另外一个又与其他2个有什么差异呢? be made of和be made from有什么区别? ax^2-(a-1)x+1 扇形统计图用什么代表总数