
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 20:06:04
算式(1/12-1/2-1/3)乘24的值为 1乘2+2乘3+3乘4+.+11乘12等于好多?算式? 观察下列式子 2=1乘2 2+4=6=2乘3 2+4+6=12=3乘4········计算2002+2004+2006+2008+····+2050=多少 两个底面积相等的长方体,第一个长方体与第二个长方体高的比是3:7,第二个长方体的体积是77立方分米,第一个长方体的体积是多少立方分米? 落地平面镜0.8米.5米的同学站在镜前却看不到自己全身的像,他(填:适当退一段距离/适当把镜子升高一点)她才看到自己全身像.要原因~ 落地平面镜高0.8米,5米的小要站在镜前看不到自己的全身像,她想起知识,( )(填"适当后退一段距离"或"适当把镜子升高一段距离")为什么后退不行呢?whwfjp,但是主要问题是为什么后退不行呢? 已知三个不等式,ab>0 c/a>d/b bc>ad 以其中2个为条件 余下一个作结论 可组成 个正确命题 y=3cos(3x-4π)的单调区间.因为我上题做的y=cos(x/2+π/3)的单调区间,它设的是2kπ-π≤(x/2+π/3)≤2kπ,求出单调递增.而这题它设2kπ+π≤(3x-4π)≤2kπ+2π,求出单调递增.我想问两设法为什么不同. Her dress looks very s_____ on the stage ----your new dress is very fashionable----thank you/yes,this is a new style选哪个 first payment&down payment我想知道这两个单词的意思...它们的区别是... 求函数y=x^2-2ax-1在【0,2】上的值域.要求有详细的解题思路! before = in front of He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone.before 应该用在时间,in front of 才用位置为什么这里不用 in front of 而用了 before? 怎么通过体积算质量 The book is ___than that one.A.useful B.the most useful C.much more useful D.a little usefulThe book is ___than that one.A.useful B.the most useful C.much more useful D.a little useful 求函数y=x2-2ax-1,在[0,2]上的值域. i have left my book in your room中的left怎么理解?这句话译成我把书忘记在你的房间里了,这里为什么要用left?不是离开的意思吗?为什么不用fotget? He might as well have picked a family___out of the telephone book and stayed with them.A at random B at a time C after all D in detail选哪个?为什么? the room is in the terrible mess ,it can not have been cleaned .为什么用can not have been为什么不用should not have been 英语翻译 1.The chair are in the room 2. How mang book do you have改错 mortgage 和 down payment 总是搞不清, 贸易里面的down payment at shipping什么意思? 高考英语My mom suggests that we ________ eat out for a change this weekend.A.might B.could C.should D.would 英语翻译This passage suggests that given the right conditions,ambition can easily overcome morality and push people to acting the way they never thought they would.Doubting their own virtuals. 〖RT〗求解三道数学题 一道数学题.RT RT甲乙两车分别从A B两地同时出发,相向而行.甲车每小时行60KM,乙车每小时行72千米.当乙车比甲车多行了18千米时,甲车行了全程的30%,求A B两地距离 求翻译题的答案,74.His magic shows must have been well received as long as his audience did Be well received 英语翻译Much of this is a preamble addressing public comments,but that will nonetheless serve as guidance for the rule’s implementation before 和in front of 的用法新概念二册 第一课中的一个课后练习The young man and young woman were sitting behind him.He was sitting(空) them.这里选的是 infront of 我是认同的 但是为什么不能用before 呢