
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:05:38
look at those children.they are( )on the rop.A swinging B wagging为什么不选B? look at those ()(shoe) 终边互相垂直的角的集合 急 求 为什么是β|β=α + π/2 +kπ ,k∈Z}? Weren\'t you at home yesterday?是反义疑问句么? 终边落在同一条直线上的角的集合 终边互相垂直的角的集合RT 角a的终边经过点M(0,1),则角a构成的集合克表示为S=—————— george,Elliot怎么读Elliot george怎么念,带音标! 强生牌汽车贴膜怎么样 That____(violin) is looking at those__(violin) over thereThe famous ____(athele) are all _ (athele) why didn't your sister come to school yesterday he didn't come( )his illness.A since B as C because D because of 集合A不包含于集合B,哪集合AB能不能有交集 We----all at school yesterday.填字谜 如图7-19,AC是圆O的直径,弦BD交AC与点E.(1)求证:△ADE相似△BCE; (2)如果AD2=AE.AC,求证CD=CB. 数学七年级(下)课时分层演练假期作业答案,珠海出版社的. 7年级下期末复习假期作业答案珠海出版社 爱莲说里面借莲表达了什么? 用换元法求函数的值域要思路 换元法求函数解析式的值域为什么换元后的解析式和还元前的解析式的值域相同? 怎样利用换元法求函数值域 小规模纳税人怎样计算增值税2010年3月,某商店(增值税小规模纳税人)购进童装150套,“六一”儿童节之前以每套103元的含税价格全部零售出去.该商店本月销售这批童装应纳增值税()元答 增值税小规模纳税人纳税额计算请问老师,增值税小规模纳税人,含税销售额是21.2万元,成本支出14.2万元.那应纳增值税额是21.2/1.03 *0.03 不用把含税销售额扣成本支出后再计算应纳增值税额? 请问:现在小规模纳税人的应纳增值税额怎样计算的?是按这条工式吗?:应交增值税额=销售额(含税)/1.03*0.3 上 数学课时分层演练A本P18. 数学课时分层演练(七年级上学期)P49 第10,11题 the growth fall short of people's anticipation.这里的fall是什么意思,short of...是什么成分修饰什么 When my eyes fall on the sky clouds of day lilies package lines will be mailed to your heart.是什 my brother is now working ----------------he did last year . a much harder than b more harder thanmy brother is now working ----------------he did last year . a much harder than b more harder than his little brother studies English alone.同义句转换 his little brother studies English —— —— Linda studies as hard as her brotherstudies是动词,动词应配副词,这里为什么是hard这个形容词 若tanθ+1/tanθ=4,则sin2θ=A 1/5 B 1/4 C 1/3 D 1/2不要只选答案,回答为什么. 谁帮我把两句英语翻译成汉语1.He,s the teller of the two 2.The baby cried harder and harder. His father___ going to his school tomorrow A.is B.am C.are