
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 10:59:39
要列式,还要讲解的.一个直角梯形的下底是上底的4倍,如果把梯形的上底延长12厘米,就变成了一个正方形,这个梯形的上底、下底和高分别是多少厘米? 物理 追击问题习题喜洋洋发现后方100m处的灰太狼以15m/s的速度向他扑来,此时喜羊羊与前方羊村距200m问喜羊羊要用多大速度才能安全进入羊村? 请列式解答 列式解答 下句定语从句使用错误,感觉还有其他错误?如何改正?For example,increase the money of fines and extend time of detention,then that ones can alert those people who reach the expiration of the imprisonment are released from prison,whic 定语从句的问题.下面每句有一个错误,指出并改正.1.Who is the woman who you talked with at the gate of our school just now?_____2.Is the coat which color is blue yours ,Tom?_____3.Anyone has questions can raise his or her hand and as 定语从句的问题:改正下列句中的错误1.Who's the man you just talked to him ----------2.Do you still remember the day when we spent together in China last year?-------3.The book you lent it to me yeaterday was very interesting .-------- 定语从句使用错误,请问如何修改?Furthermore,the development of productivity was rapid,by the influence of example,which the individual residents can enjoy more rich material life.翻译:而且,生产力被迅速发展,出于榜样的影 定语从句 涂改部分有错吗 已知f(x)是二次函数,且满足f(0)=1,f(x+1)-f(x)=2x,求f(x). 二次函数f(x)满足f(x+1)-f(x)=2x,且f(0)=1,求f(x) 要列式甲、乙两人各坐一小船在湖中划行.甲摇桨10次的时间和乙摇桨8次的时间相同,而乙摇桨70次所走的路程等于甲摇桨90次所走的路程.现甲先摇桨4次,则乙摇桨几次才能追上甲?(1)填空: 定语从句的问题请帮我划分一下这些定语从句的成分,主谓宾,以及先行词等,要详细一点,1.the real truth is that we do not know enough to relieve global warming2.because societies that grow richer use more energy3.the desig 定语从句问题here's the way that he studies english in ,中 the way 不作斌或主语,可不可以把in删除? 定语从句,问题This is the place where we first met with each otherLibrary is a place which / where we must keep quiet 这两句,where 如果用 which 替换,是 in which ,吗? 这里可以是at which 么?2 关系副词如 where 也是代替它 关于定语从句的问题The tree which I planted is taller than the house.和 I planted a tree which is taller than the house.这两个是一样的还是有点不同?应该都是定语从句吧!意思都一样吧,还是有一个句子是对的一 定语从句题 I love him.Do you love me?如题! ∫1/(1+cos2x)dx ∫(100π,0)√(1-cos2x)dx= 当今社会,是一个知识大爆炸的时代,“终身学习”、“活到老、学到老”的观念已被越来越多的人所认可.请问:什么是“终身学习观”?请你参考自己目前的学习现状,拟定一个后20年的人生学 面对终身学习型的社会,青少年要怎样做?落到实处 针对中学生. 作为中学生,应该如何做到终身学习,终身学习对我们有什么意义? ∫(1一cosx)/(1一cos2x)dx 有一首英文歌 女生唱的 总是重复do you love me 求大神解下高一数学题啊 几道关于定语从句的题目1.She is a lovely girl___is liked by everbody.A.what B.as C.that D.which此题选A还是C,为什么?2.Is there are a shop around___I can get some fruit?A.which B.where C.it D.what此题选A还是B,为什么?3.Gone are 某地居民生活用电基本价格为每度电0.4元.若每月用电超过60度,超出部分安基本电价的百分之70收费.某地居 二次函数!要过程 二次函数.., 已知二次函数的图像与抛物线y=1/2倍的(x-3)2的形状相同,且对称轴是y轴,图像过点(2,-5),求这个二次函数解析式. y=sin(π/4+x)×cos(π/4-x)=1/6,x∈(π/2,π),试求:cos2x和sin4x的值