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荀子 劝学 是文言文吗 谁知道荀子劝学 要文章不要翻译得! 劝学文言文,荀况 断开开关S时,电压表示数为6伏,电流表示数为0.5安,...断开开关S时,电压表示数为6伏,电流表示数为0.5安,电源电压为9伏,可知,电阻R1=_欧;合上开关S后电流表的示数为_安图:要解题思路哦~~~!http://p1 设集合A={x|x^2+4x=0},B={x|x^2+2(a+1)x+a^2-1=0}.(2)当A∪B=B时,求实数a的值设集合A={x|x^2+4x=0},B={x|x^2+2(a+1)x+a^2-1=0}.当A∪B=B时,求实数a的值. 设集合A={xlx^2+4x=0},B={xlx^2+2(a+1)x+a^2-1=0},其中x属于R,如果A交B=B,求实数a的值 当开关s闭合时,电压表示数3.6伏,电流表示数为0.3安,开关S断开时示数为2.7伏,试求(1)电源电压的大小(2)电阻R1,R2阻值的大小 当开关S接到a处时,电压为4伏,电流表示数0.5安 如图所示电路,R1=10欧.当开关S断开时,电流表示数为0.6安;当开关S闭合时,电流表示数为1安 1.电源电压 2.电阻R2的阻值. Φ57*4是DN多少的水管,配对的三通是多大的.还有Φ25 Φ32的水管 凌可以组什么词语? 设集合A={x|x^2+4x=0,x∈R},B={x|x^2+2(a+1)x+a^2-1=0,x∈R},若A∈B,求实数a的值 凌字开头的词 给凌组词 设集合A={xㄧx^2 +4x=0,B={xㄧx^2 +2(a+1)x+a^2-1= 0}. A∪B=B,求实数a的值. 花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也中的之是什么意思 急三个之的意思 如何算异径三通 The city of Kunming is bigger____smaller than any other city in Yunnan province.A.or B.as well as C.rather than D.and which one is right? 证明三角形的中线等分三角形的面积 Harbin is a beautiful city in __________ China.是填north还是填northern,为什么?由于刚才充忙,---_________________?---Pretty good.And you?How are you?还是 How is it going?为什么? Suzou is a/the most beautiful city?选哪个?为什么? 过三角形三条中线交点的直线是否将该三角形面积两等分,是或不是,为什么? "牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也"古文翻译? 怎样计算异径三通 表示“听”的词语3个,如耳闻 — Hebi is really a beautiful city and there are many places of interest.— So it is.Why not stay here for (_____)_ two days?A.other B.others C.the other D.another 如何理解 haikou is really a beautiful city and there are many places of interest.so it is.why not stay here for ( )two days?A.other B.others C.the other D.another which city is the most beautiful in south China? .which city in china has the most beautiful weather?把has变成i 为什么? 1.the which most beautiful is city 怎么连词成句4.is,to,good,Tokyo,visit,piace,a 2.go,to,Rome,I'd,like3.is,than,cities,Wellington,quieter,other 若三角形的三边之比为3:4:5,则它的内切圆与外交圆的半径之比为() A.1:2 B.1:3 C.2:3 D.2:5 有几道英语题不会,帮忙解释一下,谢谢1.look at your hair. you have got some grey HAIRS now.为什么第二个hair后面要加s?2..but i never do morning EXERCISES, 为什么这个exercise要加s?3.here are some birthday cards with our be