
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 16:09:17
请问潍坊昌邑卜庄沿海经济开发区和昌邑沿海经济开发区是一个地方吧?除了EMS和邮政平邮到之外,还有什么快递公司到?公司在星星大道和泰和路交界处,麻烦知道的亲告知一下, 渡 础 精 皎 翻 傲 瓶这些字的读音和字本身有什么特点 give her a surprising为什么give后跟surprising? Do not ()my seret.A.give in B.give awayDo not ()my seret.A.give in B.give away C.give up D.give off 人为什么会有先入为主和首因效应的呢,这是什么道理原理的 对微观粒子波动性认识?验证这个波动性实验是哪个实验?简单的对应关系?请量子力学能人回答,感激! 联想记忆古诗词 争渡 争渡 惊起一滩鸥鹭 可以联想到什么古诗 The objective behind the business is very clear 请看具体问题为什么要用behind the business?目标在商业之后很清晰? on 如题,另外请给一点例子如果说“一看到书就……”,应怎么用on sight词组? on sight N,The guards were ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to escape.卫兵接到命令,看见谁企图逃跑就立即开枪射击.They had orders to shoot on sight.他们接到命令说见人就开枪。Next time,I kill you on sight,you hear 急求分别以“成”和“语”开头的句子!~无论是古诗或现代诗或名句都可以急用.拜托了~如果实在没有的话.成语也可以 trouble怎么读 on the right意思为.什么 if you find three sparrows on the roof and you shoot one,how many are left?还有几只麻雀留下来? on the right track是什么意思 be on the right no troubleWould you do me a favor and carry these books?A.yes,that is right B.No trouble C.Never mind D.with preasure 为什么选D不选B Electric Trouble怎么读 有一条南北方向的河流,有一天上午,阳光很好,小名拿着照相机到河边想拍一张水中倒影的风景照片,为此,小命应当站在河的()边 为什么 摄像者用照相机给小明找了一张全身像,接着给站立不动的小名照一张半身像,正确的做法() 请分析, on the ropes Emotionally,physically,and financially I was on the ropes语法上怎样理解?三个副词修饰谁? trunk怎么读 mr zhang was s____to hear that with,trunk怎么读, It seems to me that I've met Mr Zhang _____ .A.anywhere B.something C.somewhere D.anywhere (D)is he going to get into? 答:I am not sure .Maybe a pilot. 英语翻译还有一句子;they are taking me.上面的单词打错了,thant改为:that。 I'm not sure of that .He is going to Shanghai(将两句话合并成一句话)I'm not sure _____ he is going to Shanghai ______ _______ . 英语翻译推光漆器是一种工艺性质的高级油漆器具,以手掌推出光泽而得名.山西著名工艺品平遥推光漆器外观古朴雅致.闪光发亮,绘师金碧辉煌,手感细腻滑润,耐热防潮,经久耐用,成为漆器中 及物动词是什么呢,. 英语翻译请英语水平高的好心人帮忙翻译一下这篇文章!(可以不按原文)母亲已死,3个月的孩子压在她身下,手机留下了 ...抢救人员发现她的时候,她已经死了,是被垮塌下来的房子压死的,透