
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 02:13:07
意识、下意识、潜意识得区别与概念?加上:前意识 went you holiday on by your airplane 连词成句 如何区分非意识、前意识、无意识和潜意识? ____did you go on your holiday?I went by plane.内个 肿么写.>﹏ 无意识,潜意识,下意识----怎么区分?都指什么呢? be ask low you play hurt high minute careful teacher practice importantThe senior high school entrance exam is less than two months away.Students are woiking hard,but too much stress might not be good.How can we make good use of the remaining(剩余 Yesterday was my stepmother’s birthday.I haven’t been home for a long time,so I wanted to stop by the house to 36 her on this special day.I have been 37 on a low income so I was afraid that I couldn’t afford the long 38 .Gas is so expensive now 已知直线L的斜率为1,L截圆C:x^2+y^2-2x+4y-4=0得到弦AB,以AB为直径的圆经过圆点,求直线L的方程? 求一篇完型填空,RT!开头是 Last Saturday,when i cleaned up my house,i found a box simply marked Nick. 复变函数的问题∫(L)|z|dz.计算积分∫(L)|z|dz,其中曲线L是:(1)连接-1到1的直线段,(2)连接-1到1,中心在原点的上半圆周. x-2y+3z的和的二次方是多少? 有意识无意识是个什么意思? 意识、前意识、无意识是什么意思? 无意识的有能是什么意思 有意识记和无意识记的意思 在举例子 无意识的发现有什么意义?以论述题的形式的吖! 已知一个立方体的体积为100 cm^3,求它的表面积(结果保留3个有效数字) 要有算式哦! 复变函数:∫(|z|+2)dz C:从原点到点3+4i的直线段?我知道设:z=3t+4ti,但是积分时上下标的数值应该多少呢? 简便运算:1、816*3.7-81五分之三+81.6*64.二、125八分之三*(9四分之三-3.72+3.25-1二十五分之七.三、(8七分之三-1.625-3八分之三)除1七分之六.后面的表示带分数的 并给予理由1、--Which season is the best time___Beijing?--I think spring is.A to go to B going to C goes to D go to 2、--Mom,how can I go to school?My bike doesn't work.--I think you need ___there.A walked to B walking C to walk to D to wwalk 请说出理由Bill with his sister ____(like) thrillers.A.like b.likes 1、Perhaps in the future cars well( )use( )petrol( )A.no longer;moreB.not;any longerC./;any longerD./;any more2.It is winter becouse people( )warm clothes now.A.wearB.are wearningC.wareD.to wear 如果2A+3b=8,3a-2b=-1,求关于方程(a+2)x-(3b-1)/2-ax-(b+1)/6=2的解 如果a+b=1,a+3b=-1,那么关于x,y的方程组(a+2b)x-by=6,ax+(2a-b)y=6的解是_______我要2元1次过程~ 盲选是什么意思 求复变积分∫C(e^z/z)dz 其中C:|z|=1为正向圆周 计算积分∮c :z的共轭复数/|z|dz的值,其中c为正向圆周|z|=2 X²-(X-1)²怎么解?怎么去括号?详细一点的 (x-1)²=4求过程解! 有盲子道涸溪.这则文言文叫什么?大意什么?有盲子道涸溪的道什么意思? 多种多样的生物之所以能够进行着生命活动,延续不断,生生不息.是因为生物是一是具有________________现象,二是能够____________________.生物学是研究__________及其_________________的自然科学.