
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 18:49:50
“苏,黄共阅一手卷”的语序与现代汉语一样吗? 这句话错哪了?Americans eat more than twice as many vegetables per person today as they did in 1910我问的是语法上的错误!不许拿小孩子开涮啊!还高考呢 1000字(鲁宾逊漂流记)和(昆虫记)精彩片段和赏析 为什么说我们汉字即使有那么多的形声字,也不妨碍它属于表意文字体系?少一点的,这是阅读题少点,阅读题只有2行 诺一个多项式与3x²+2y²的和是x²+xy-2/1y²求这个多项式 为什么说汉字中有那么多的形声字,也不妨碍象形字属于表意文字体系30字内 要很多,有多少写多少.可以的话,答案也写上去.最好要在07年2月27日前要答案。 已知多项式3x²+my-8与多项式-nx²+2y+7的差中,不含有xy,求n的m平方+mn 核舟记佛印神态特征和苏东坡的肖像特征快点,我急是点金教练里面的 《核舟记》中突出苏东坡形象特征的句子是 核舟记第3段为什么先介绍苏东坡,从3段文字中各找到一点理由 求,昆虫记的精彩片段400字左右 在核舟记中苏轼和佛印的性格是什么? 《核舟记》描写苏轼的语句体现出苏轼的什么性格 昆虫记精彩片段500字左右 描写想不明白说不清楚的四字词语怎么样形容这样的一个人. 形容还没发生就知道结果的四字词语是什么如题! 英语十六种时态 帮忙纠错英文翻译~帮我看看哪里翻错了?括号里的是一定要用到的~1.超市已出现,许多杂货店就破产了~(soon after)more grocery store burst-up soon after the supermarket appeared.2.珍妮25岁时开始当教师~ 英语翻译大家帮忙看看这几句英文的错误 谢谢了This test samples expand to 15 in each group.The data meet the test of normality by test of normality and homogeneity of variance test.However,the dates of histochemistry of the lung tis 英语翻译求纠错If point antialiasing is disabled, the actual size is determined by rounding the supplied size to the nearest integer. (If the rounding results in the value 0, it is as if the point size were 1.) If the rounded size is odd, then 英语翻译人人讲道德,才能彻底消除战争,人类才有真正的和平.Only if everybody pays attention to morals can we eliminate warfare utterly and embrace a peaceful future.哪儿错了? 一道排列组合的问题.由1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8排成一列,要求奇数与偶数间间隔排且3,4相邻,有多少种排法? “践行社会主义核心价值观争做美德少年”的书信格式作文怎么写 践行社会主义核心价值观,争做美德少年 书信300~400 我总觉得自己很笨,因为数学老是学不好. 数学不好就笨么? 英语纠错(语法 和用词)Dogs are widely considered as the best friends to human beings,it is popular as they can do a lot of works such as to guard yard,to guide the blind,and to help prohibit drugs.They are also popular with many citizens [英文] 语法纠错短句:"it really make me admire"请问以上句子有错吗?试指出其错处. 数学 初三 实在不会 谢了 1.Because television’s first large-scale transmissions included news programs quickly became popular with the public.2.By increasing the time allotment for network news to thirty minutes increased the prestige of network news programs.3.Lloyd Rober 求检查 这几句英语的语法以下几句话 如果有错请修改成正确的并且原意不变1.I know she forgive me (改成过去式)2.I like learning do art project 3.but she wanted me to learn to programming4.I just want to learn the t