
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 16:45:42
《牧竖》的全文翻译啊! 英语翻译中心思想是什么 记叙文的六要素中最重要的要素 She's at the dentist什么意思,dentist不是只有牙医的意思? A tank of 0.1-m3 volume contains air at 25oC and 101.33 kPa.The tank is connected to a compressed- A helmet is a large hard hat that protects the head and is conneted to the air tank翻译 1.The dentist_____(suggestion)that she should come another day能不能讲得在清楚一些,为什么是过去式?答案是suggested do you need everyone______(carry)the air tank for you? 牧 竖两牧竖入山,至狼穴,穴有小狼二,谋分捉之.各登一树,去 数十步.少选,大狼至,入穴失子,甚仓皇.竖于树上扭小狼蹄 耳故令嗥,大狼声仰视,怒奔树下,号且爬抓.一竖又在彼树 致小狼鸣急,狼辍 牧竖 赏析 300字 蒲松龄的《聊斋志异·牧竖》的注释及字义, 记叙文结构记叙文的结构有哪些?有什么作用?总--分--总,总--分是说明文的结构,记叙文也有吗? 下列标题,不符合“大河流域——人类文明的摇篮”这一选题的是A金字塔的国度 B奴隶制民主政治的高峰C种姓制度的产生 D新月沃地孕育的古国 古印度的种姓制度是一种文明吗?如果不是的话,为什么把它列入“大河流域,人类文明的摇篮”一课? I advise that she __ another day.A.willB.comesC.cameD.should come She ____that it ____for two days by that day.A.says ...has rained B.said...had rained请问选哪一个?为什么?我知道第二个空用过去完成时态 但第一个空我不明白 现在说和过去说不都可以么? She insisted that we ____there for another day or two .A would say B could stay C stay D stayed 《推敲》的译文 be useful for=什么? be more useful是什么意思 as much as three hours还是as many as three hours? he hopes that he will be a famous writer 同义句 three pipes a,b and c can fill a tank in 6 hours .after working at it together for 2 hours .c is cl谁能帮我翻译一下这句什么意识 PerfLog,what is it meaning? What is it inner meaning 英语:When you stay for a long time in an air-conditionged house,you will ()1.has fainted 2.fainted 3.have fainted 4.be fainted为什么不是4 have fainted我觉得很奇怪啊 your name ,what is it meaning?请用英文说明原因 越多越好 原因 ` 推敲《诗话总龟》1、解释词语 1)一日于驴上(得)句云…… (2)(炼)之未定 (2)观者(讶)之 (4)岛(具)对所得诗句云.2 、这篇短文作者意在赞扬贾岛什么精神? Can you stay in deep water without tanks of air? when you leave it in the air for some time翻译 I hope that I can be a writer in the future.I hope ____ ____ a write in the future.Mr.Morgan knows the way to the museum.Mr.Morgan knows____ ____ get to the museum. hope that the future will not be destroyed in our 的翻译是什么翻译‘‘中文翻译过来是什么意思