
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 04:52:37
我想用浓度为66%-68%的硝酸配置成9MOL/L的硝酸,最好能算出9mol/L硝酸的浓度为多少 页第三大题思维魔方第14题第15小题怎么写?谢谢你们但我还是想自己完成 1、如图,这是三国时期著名的军事学家诸葛亮当年吓退陆逊的名阵八阵图,以火柴拼成,其奥妙在于变幻无穷.60根火柴摆成的20个单位正方形,如果移动8根火柴的话,就能变成16个单位正方形.2、你 You are clever and very lucky You are very kind and clever,thank 当别人对你说You are very clever!时,该怎样回答?这句话含有贬义的意思,怎么回答得体? 1.It is a q___ to two.Let is go to school. 2.Monkeys like eating b___.They are very clever.3.--I'd like a b___ of apple juice.What about you,Jack. --Milk for me,please.4.--Can Ihelp you,m___? --Yes,please.I want to buy a dress for my daughter.5. 若不等式组3a+a<0和2x+7>4x-1的解集为x<0 则a的取值范围是 ⒈I love comedies because they are__and interesting.⒉I don’t like numbers and I think__is too boring.⒊What’s yuor __color?_Blue.⒋I like __ because I love little animals. 用“珍”字组词填在括号里:亲爱的同学们,我们亲手栽下的最( )的小松树渐渐长大亲爱的同学们,我们亲手栽下的最( )的小松树渐渐长大,它是我们友谊的见证.我十分( )我们之间的友谊.你们 写小伙伴的好词好句好段写小伙伴的好词好句好段写小伙伴的好词好句好段写小伙伴的好词好句好段写小伙伴的好词好句好段写小伙伴的好词好句好段写小伙伴的好词好句好段写小伙伴的好 五个词语并点评.亲爱的小伙伴们求你们了! 在括号里填上关联词.这是一个非常重要的秘密,亲爱的,( )对谁也不能讲. A boy who is awfully clever is very foolish 怎么翻译? 英语翻译The umbrella is a very common object.It keeps the rain and the sun off the people.Most umbrellas can be folded up so it is easy to carry them.However,the umbrella has not always been as common as it is now.In the past,it was a symbol of i 英语的三大练习法:机械练习,意义练习,交际练习的定义和区别是什么 语法在第二语言教学中有什么作用? 请问试剂及的硝酸怎么配制能成为比重1.5的硝酸?比如10毫升酸该加多少水或别的东西才是1.5比重的 硝酸? 将“Tony is a very clever boy ”改为感叹句书 伴你成长 6年级第1学期的第32页最后一题 You should put up your hand.改为祈使句 the boy is very clever.改为感叹句 追问You should put up your hand. 改为祈使句 the boy is very clever. 改为感叹句 机械 基础题基圆半径是指凸轮轮廓线的最小径,在滚子从动件凸轮中,凸轮轮廓线有理论轮廓和实际轮廓线之分,实际轮廓的 最小向径 是否即是基圆半径?为什么?圆柱凸轮的基圆半径是否即为 机械基础试题(2.5*24=60分)1.平面四杆机构无急回特性时_______,行程速比 系数 _______(A)压力角α=0 (B)传动角β=0 (C) 极位夹角θ=0(D) k>1 (E)k<1 (F)k=12.在双曲柄机构中,已知三杆 机械基础题在轴上切制螺纹时,轴应留有.,磨削阶梯轴时,轴肩等处应留有砂轮的. 谁有CAD基础练习题 机械方面的·~ 求做一个一元二次方程,使它的两个根是方程2x^2-3x-1=0的各个根的2倍 1.W:May I help you?M:Yes.Is that Mr.Johnson speaking?W:I'm sorry.Mr.Johnson is not in now.Would you call later again or would you like to leave a message?M:( )W:Certainly.( )M:Yes.My name is George Green.My telephone numberis247-2239.W:OK.( )M:Thank 1.Did you interview him yesterday = Did you ___ ___ ___ ___ him yesterday 2.I didn't see so tal a tree.= I didn't see ____ a _____tree. 【1】 _____ Dasan is from Canada ,_____he can speak Chinese very well.A.Although,but B.Although,/ C.Although,so D./,so【2】Let us talk about the difference ______Chinese and English names.A.on B.of C.between D.with (1).There's something wrong with my bike.(对something提问) (2).I don't know when and how I should leave for Nanjing.(该简单句)还有一道There is plenly of rain in the south of China.(反意疑问句) The little girl ____ (look) very nice. The little girl is very pretty.改为感叹句——the little girl is!——pretty little girl she is!