
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 12:30:20
英语翻译如何翻译:“龙泽杯”2009西湖龙井茶炒制精英赛?我看到有些把“杯”是直接翻译成:CUP 或 BEI(拼音)? 中间那个是你 的英文翻译/ 几道英语题 求了 赶快填A Hi ,Alice!{ }you like oranges B Yes,I{ }How about you ? A I{ }bananas Andmymother likes bananas, { }your mother like bananas?B No ,she{ }likes apples and bread{ }dinner.What about your mther?A She likes chic 连词成句1、where swim go does day to Steven every___________________________________ 2、week,airplane,did,to,not,travel,by,we,Australia,last___________________________________ .3、library,in,loud,the,too,don't,spe 1.根据图12.2-5的列车时刻表,计算列车从襄樊到丹江运行的平均速度,以及从朱坡到老河口运行的平均速度.2.一艘潜艇静止在水面下.当潜艇发现正前方5km处有一艘航空母舰正以30km/h的速度向潜 英语翻译1.Tell about a time you helped to make dinner.2.What you order at a restaurant? 英语翻译网络的使用给大多数学生提供了自主学习的机会,锻炼了他们的创造性和主动性。但也有少数学生因过去太过依赖于以教师为主导的课堂教学,较长时间不适应这种由自己掌握学习 选择填空2道,空白部分填1、Alice often .A.walks to homeB.walks homeC.is walking home2、Don't jump the wall.It's dangerous.A.onB.intoC.off when mark __ ___ ___ ___ (正在考试),he had a stomachache.If you ___ ___ ____ (有办法)to solve the problem ,we can finish the task tomorrow. 2道英语题(根据首字母填空)1、Her pet dog is c______ Kodi.2、How many teachers are there in your school?M_______ t_______ 200. 2道首字母填空的英语题……Our team wins again.All the players are r( )great At the weekend i often read the book in the l( ) 英语翻译题,请问 包揽金银铜 怎么翻译呢? 英语翻译What do you think of the activties that you must take part in?希望不要用工具翻译~`在此重谢~ 英语翻译我现在还没有理想,但是我希望我以后做个对社会有用的人.抱歉抱歉,我题目打错……改正【帮我把这句中文翻译成英文】 ( )68.I don’t feel ______.The doctor asked me to go and see him ____ three days.A.well,every B.well,each C.good,each D.good,every 英语翻译a fly is resting on the borrom of a closed jar.The jar is placed on a very accurate balance,and there is equilibrium.The fly starts flying.Will there be equilibrium again. 英语翻译A loudspeaker which emits sound of frequency 1000 Hz is placed several meters from a plane reflecting wall in a large chamber containing a gas.A microphone M,connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope ,detects a series of low and high intens 英语翻译 英语翻译Ann auto,moving too fast on a horizontal stretch of mountain road ,slides off the road ,falling into deep snow 43.9m below the road and 87.7m beyond the edge of the road.谁能帮我翻译一下, 帮我用英语翻译这句话“它应为时间,地点而变化 有个英语定语从句的问题,希望大家帮忙回答下winter is a time of year ——days are long and night are short空白处填that or when 英语题目跪求答案希望大家帮忙The McGuffey Readers were textbooks that were used in schools in the United States in the nineteenth century These were books of stories, poems, speeches, and essays The readings were happy in tone so th 1.( )lines make a triangle A.one B.two C.three2.I don't go out ( )a rainy dayA.in B.on C.at3.The ( )is her uncleA.man B.women C.woman4.I must do ( )homework nowA.your B.my C.me5.My family lives in ( )apartmentA.a B./ C.an 英语翻译(1)he ate like a horse(2) his wordmade my blood boil(3) he was shedding crocodile(4) i get butterflies in my stomach 求下列英语中的习惯用语对应的汉语1.He ate like a horse.2.His word made my blood boil.3.He was shedding crocodile tears.4.You've gone too far.5.I get butterflies in my shtomach. 英语翻译He ate like a horse.His word made my blood boil.He was shedding crocodile tears.You 've gone too fat.I get butterflise in my stomach 英文成语~~习惯用语~~帮忙翻译一下英语成语:1、like a duck to water 2、poor as a church mouse 3、at sixes and sevens4、as timid as a hare习惯用语:1、He ate like a horse.2、His word made my blood boil.3、He was shedding c 英语翻译求推荐,最好是专业一点的,没什么语法错误,最重要的是符合外国人的习惯用语. 热辐射实验器材:可乐罐、蜡烛、凡士林、硬币等.1.将可乐罐的上下盖剪掉,罐身剪开,用水彩笔将内表面一半涂成黑色,一半涂成白色.2.将两枚硬币蘸上熔化的蜡烛油或者凡士林,分别粘到黑白 有光辐射一定有热辐射吗? 英语翻译If I leave,after a period 帮我翻译下 没别的意思了吗? 情况在不断地变化着 英语翻译