
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:46:17
用什么词来形容:探讨 有关 中学生如何保持身体健康 的英语作文50词 写一篇关于“关爱健康”的英语作文,带翻译,60词左右. 英语翻译Mr.Baker :Now you’re quoted a CIF Shanghai price for my order.What kind of policy are you going to take out?Mr.Lee:Well,obviously you won’t want the All Risks cover.Mr.Baker :Why not?Mr.Lee:Because the usual coverage for your orter is 英语翻译(1)Impacts that could generate large tsunamis onto the whole coastline of the Pacific Ocean occur,on average,once in 1,000 years.Over geologic time ,events of that frequency left traces in sedimentary rocks.Geologists ought to be looking 英语翻译A red car was driving when a yellow Japanese-made car rushed out fast from the west.Judging by its position on the road,it had it had tried to overtake another car.But the traffic light from the east to the west has turned red.Because of 毛毛参加一次数学竞赛,规定答对一道题得4分,答错1道扣2分,不答不得分不扣分.答了20题得了60分,问毛毛答对几道? 某小数的小数点左移两位,结果得到的数比原来少3.06,这个小数是多少? 走进沙漠通常会用什么词语形容 用英语写一篇关于“学习英语方法(方式)”的小作文字数约100-120个,初中或高中水平均可. 写一篇关于 学英语遇到的困难,如何解决困难 的英语作文 英语翻译Shops in Britain open at 9:00 a.m.and close at 5:00 or 5:30 in the evening.Many shops are closed in the afternoon on one day a week.The day is usually Wednesday or Thursday.Nearly all shops are closed on Sundays.In general,overseas visito 英语翻译Dear Kate,There are too many rules in my house.I don't think it's fair.I have to get up at six every morning on school days.I can't arrive late for school.Ican't go outside on school nights,either.I have to do my homework at about half pa 英语翻译Time is something that you can never take back.Everybody has the same number of hours.Wherever you go,a minute is 60 seconds,an hour is 60 minutes,a day is 24hours,and so forth.Everyone no matter how rich or poor speeds time the same way, 一个小数的小数点向左移动两位 所得的新数比原数小3.564原数是几 一个小数的小数点向左移动两位,比原数小3.564,原数是多少 一个小数的小数点向右移动两位,所得的新数比原数小3.564,原数是多少 在七年级数学竞赛中共有20道题目对于每到答题答对得五分答错或不答倒扣3分李刚同学的得分是84分请问他答对了几分.列方程 一元一次方程“数学竞赛共20题,答对一题5分,答错、不答减3分.答对几题84分” 形容态度的词语 英语翻译p6:How are we going to play this game?Hello,everybody!This is an interesting game.First,it needs someone to start or stop the music.Who wants to come to the front and do this?Good.Now listen carefully.Each of you puts a book on your head 英语翻译求高手帮翻译下:Despite the billions of pounds spent over the past 35 years on efforts to eradicate malaria world-wide,financial cut-backs mean the killer disease flourishes,as does the insect responsible for spreading it.这只是 某校初一年级学生数学竞赛共有20道题目,每答对一题得5分,不答或答错一题扣3分,要想得到84分,要答对几题 一个小数的小数点向左移动两位,得到得数比原来的数小3.564,求原数. “火红的五月”后面用什么词来形容比较好啊?成语之类的, 四月五月用什么词来形容 什么词可以形容家的美好 一次数学竞赛共有20道题目,答对一题得5分,不答或答错1题扣3分,问要得到84分需答对几题设答对x道题,由题意得列方程是A5x-3(20-x)=84B100-3(20-x)=84C5x-6(20-x)=84D100+5x-(20-x)=84 一次数学竞赛中共有20道题,答对一题得10分,答错或不答扣5分,小然在这次竞赛中得了95分,那么她答对了— 优美句子、描写(高中) 描写北京五月天气的英语句子 写5句优美的句子.怎么写?