
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:10:14
盒中有红黑白球各一个,每次取1个又放回去,抽取3次,求下列事件的概率A={都是白A={都是白球}B={颜色相同}C={颜色各异} 已知事件A与B的概率都是1/2 证明P(AB)=P(非A非B) 举出一个概率小于1/2的事件 f(x)是定义域(0,正无穷)上的增函数,则不等式f(x)>f(2x-3)的解集是 (1)Does he w___ the games on TV (2)yes,but sometimes he plays them with his f_____ Does he watch the games on TV------Yes,but sometimes he plays them with his f_____我知道后面要填friends,可是为什么要用复数呢?如果是语法,请写出来!快 .—Does Jim have _______ ruler?—Yes,he has _______ . A.an;some B.a;one C.a;\D;any;one为什么不选D,选B does sam like play games yes,he does 已知数列{An}的前N项和Sn=1+KAn已知数列{An}的前N项和Sn=1+kAn (0 已知数列{an}的前n项和Sn,且(1-k)Sn=1-kan求an、sn 函数y=根号(-2x+3)在区间________上是减函数?为什么呢?有人说~-2x+3≥0,x≤3/2 ∴函数y=根号(-2x+3)在区间(-∞,3/2)上是减函数.这个对么?可是为什么呢? 怎样形容错的时间遇到对的人 在数列an中,若a1=3,a2=2,a(n+2)=2an-3a(n+1),则a4等于多少? 求在数列an中,若a1=3,a2=2,a(n+2)=2an-3a(n+1),则a4等于多少? 求过程 谢谢了 设数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,a1=1,且3a(n+1)=Sn,(1)求a2,a3,a4及an (2)求a2+a4+···+a2n 设函数f(x)=sinπ/6(x),则f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+…f(2008)=? 若函数f(n)=sinnπ/6,求f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+……+f(2008)的值求证:f(n)=f(n+12) 数列an满足an=-1/3a(n-1)(n≥2),a1=4/3,则a4与a2的等差中项?答案是-20/81啊 求英语6分钟对话:In our university,we often hear some complaints from the students about the courses they have taken:some say many courses are so boring,some say there are too many courses.Student A should try to put forward some similar compla 求老友记英文剧本,只有两人的对话,长度三到六分钟, 计算题求步骤 已知函数f(x)=4的x/4的x+2 求:f(1/2009)+f(2/2009)+.+f(2008/2009)的值 If you want to study English well,you should have a lot of ___. 根据所给材料写一段有关“How to study well”的英语短文.要求用should 和ought根据所给材料写一段有关“How to study well”的英语短文.要求用should 和ought to 字数不少于70字.listen to the teacher carefully t 英语对话6人(每人至少十句)一定要6人的。 求一小篇关于买卖东西的英语小对话(六人的) 英语句子填空When Jane was n____ her,she suddenly laughed.One day Jane was do shopping when she saw to cross a busy street.She wanted to cross the,too,so she went over to offer help to the woman.When Jane was n____ her,she suddenly laughed. 一般英语中回答问题 例如when did the writer,我就回答when she was 5这样的状语从句 为什 ∫[1,0]x^2 dx ∫[2,0]x^3 dx 求文档: 2009年安徽省普通高中学业水平测试科学基础化学 计算二次积分∫dy∫e^(x^2)dx,主要是转换积分顺序时的步骤. 形容想尽或用尽种种办法的词语 In the city of Fujisawa,lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki.When she was a teenager,she 36 of going